Fix PVP for good

These ideas have been around forever. Game is maintenance mode.

The only thing we can do to improve the quality of pvp is to be a better, more welcoming community, with more open player-founded events.

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Ya but most of these ideas are within our power to fix. Premade up…remove gears and buffs that are not suitable to your goals. You all complain so much about pug minis but premades are so easy to organize.

We also complain about AFKers and you’re the one who does it in minigames. Is there a way to fix that?


Craft him a tier 3 weapon!!!

With all the people trying to ruin mini games now we have started running our own in guild balanced premades in BLR , nice playing with your guildies without the usual mini game drama and afkers , we plan to run them 2 to 3 nights a week luckily we have at peak times 40 - 50 online but not everyone is that lucky . Funcoms actions (or lack of )is forcing us to turn inwards and imo its not the best for the game , but then neither is funcom ignoring trolls/cheaters/afkers in minis


Sounds great, as long 2 things don’t happen that I have seen before with another guild that advertises guild minis. One is a pre-determined outcome where one team is declared the winner while the other afks, so one team gets the points and Two, someone in the guild drops out, allowing a person into the mini unsuspecting of point no. 1. If they are honest and fairly fought minis with only your guild, then salut and have fun.

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Yeah they are balanced and a fight , we try to balance by class and play objectives we had 12 last night do them with 3-4 on standby. We also didn’t allow any of our PvP 10 toons into them so that lowbie toons would be welcome, think the highest we had was a 9. We just split into 2 different channels in discord and fight it it out, if the balancing dosnt work we will cap it out fast and try to re balance again, as you can see from the screen shots they where fought and no one was afk for one team to win :slight_smile:


Sin has excellent tools to deal with magic damage, so the lower magic resistence of t6 has nearly no impact.

And this is something that you are very wrong about, it has massive impact, that is like saying that ranger does not need protection because it outranges a necro

or that conq does not need prot or armor because it has bubbles. Ofc sin need prot same as every other class and it does have huge impact if you have 50% prot instead of 25%

I dont mean it has no impact. Only the balance of dps gain to negative impact to survivability is favorable to t6 gear.

I disagree with that, The longer you are able to stay in combat, means that enemy team has to invest more time, and waste cool downs in trying to kill you, which gives your team more time to do dps. For me that is more favorable dps and a time gain :wink:

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Deuk, wtf you talking about, yesterday I came to play in premades on my demo FULL T6, what was the result? right 1-10 or smth, you may say that I`m bad demo(i totally agree :D),but I still have 20-3/4 k/d in every random mini,so what is the conclusion? is it t6 OP or players DUMB?

Guys. We must all ask Funcom for some anticheat system for AoC. Easy anti-cheat or punkbuster, idk. Just to get rid of cheatengine users that ruin pvp in every minigame.

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i havent seen any cheater in ages, may be some speedhackers ,but you cant be sure cause of ping

Zedke for example. Yes, im talking about speedhackers.

Check Reaperstall on my Channel :slight_smile:

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So, why do you use it? To gimp yourself?

ahh remunantsu you are not alone with this decade old request but you should understand it will never happen :wink:

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I have not played my assassin in months,
I have done lot of things in this game to “gimp myself”. and yes it is true that PVE gear provides somewhat more dps, but is it really worth losing that armor, prot etc? no it is not.

U know how to fix “gear issues” in minis? by actually playing the game correctly and focusing the squishiest people first that puts enemy team in bad position by having dead person most of mini
I thought it was common knowledge for people to focus proper targets, you are not going to win a mini game if you let “t6” necro sw for 20 m on top of your res pad, or focus the tanks when “t6” sin killing your backliners.

Why do people play sin at all, when they could play barb that is better than sin in every possible scenario in this game?
Gear is the least of this game issues, But are you telling me Deuk, that I did not kill people when my sin had pvp t1-3 gear :wink: ? or did my sin start racking up kills magically when I got ““gear””… lets not kid ourselvs here. I been putting people in dumpster in this game since dawn of times, no matter the class or gear :rofl:

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I wonder if those who pretend t6 is so much more powerful also look at the set bonus (and its pvp stat penalties) given by t6 gear. exemple for an assassin : with t6 compared to pvp t3 you end up with +195 hit rating, +148 offhand, +62 crit damage, 1250 armor pen, 875 spell pen. yeh that’s better, but you also get -555 armor, -1150 prot, -1513 tenacity : all that look like major penalties regarding your survivability. focus the glass canon and the problem is solved like many people say !