Hi there, I was fighting with a player in a private server. Both have Flesh bond perk with thralls. Is possibile that flesh bond don’t let you die till all the thralls and mount are dead?
The player remains at 1hp untill I killed every thrall.
It sounds like “attributes” and “coraption” might cause this. I’ve never tried it. But I think there was an option to share all the damage taken.
This could be an unintended consequence of how Flesh Bond calculates shared damage. It would require someone to test it, but I’m too lazy to farm up all the Soul Essence required.
Basically Flesh Bond distributes damage to your thralls. But if you teleport back and forth too often you can be at 1/1 health and stamina for a few minutes from the Tainted debuff.
Perhaps when you are at 1/1 health there is some kindof rounding happening in the Flesh Bond calculation and you end up taking no dmg?
Either way this would be nothing to get excited about since the Tainted debuff wears off relatively quickly and you’ll gain health and stamina. AFAIK there is no way to stay at 1/1 health for more than a few minutes at a time.
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