Fourth Fatal Server Crash in 2 days - same error each time

Since you keep tagging me @Mad_Marius, your initial report had pretty much zero value because it shows a generic report with no record of what happens before the crash. No details such as logs, how is the server hosted, how many players, what kind of mods, etc. People come with such reports all the time just to turn out that it is something on their end or caused by a mod they have installed which is no longer supported and updated.

In addition, before commenting, I had my server running for hours without a single crash. Furthermore, I reviewed a bunch of logs to try to identify common errors. There are a few errors that pop up but none of them crashed the server for me. There is no common pattern in the reports from what I can tell either.

To go even further, I started a Vanilla Test Server to try to crash it by using legacy thralls with specific weapons, playing with their stances, guard areas, distances and so on. While the errors were still there, there were no crashes even when these errors were spammed.

Now, while there might be a vanilla issue, posting a crash report not mentioning what mods you are using is not helpful either considering your mod list, you are using mods that haven’t been updated for a while and others that are well known for causing issues. Just a few examples:

  • Improved Quality of Life causes issues on every single update. People still report issues with it even though it was updated on 7th. Just go through the comments on steam. The mod author is not particularly responsive either.
  • All the Little Things hasn’t been updated since 2018. It may not need an update but still it is something to consider.

I am not saying don’t report but when you do, give all the details and leave it to the developers to judge what is relevant or whatnot.

EDIT: I also do my reseach and you are running a server with no wipes which usually means a bunch of legacy assets and a heavy database. You had a very long mod list out of which some mods were apparently removed at some point:

Now if you have said that you had it wiped at some point and all the mods were vetted, then I might have been more willing to consider other possibilities.

EDIT: Sorry for the multiple edits. If your intention was to simply collect the number of people experiencing this error in order to further contact them for more details and then submit a report to Funcom, then my apologies.

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