Ability cooldowns unlocked from the ability bar.
- Mirrors ability and gadget slots from the ability bar as independent free floating icons
- Use the standard GUI unlock to position and scale the icons
- Auto hides slots that don’t have a cooldown based ability in them
/setoption efdFreeHUDHideReady true
will also hide abilities that are ready to use, leaving only currently recharging cooldowns on screen
Known Issues
- Weapon gimmick abilities may start in an incorrect state, and are of limited use with current behaviour
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Forum edits are only permitted for a limited time. This post may not fully represent the current state of the mod. If I am unable to edit the post, I will add updates in a reply. Links should go to the latest download and not need updating. This post is accurate as of v0.0.1-beta, released March 29, 2018.
Feedback, suggestions or bug reports are welcome.