Freezing issue on playstation

Well, I reported freezing on PS4 and got this answer:

That was good enough for me, they are working on it. Nothing else I can do but wait and give them more information (which I did earlier, since the game is freezing even far away from buildings and water).

Sound on console has always been an issue (takes forever to load and might freeze when lots of info and you jump underwater), hovering or previewing containers have always been and issue on consoles and official servers (can only hope that can be turned off), and now when I am fighting and open my self inventory also causes a freeze (a lot, if you have over 40 items or so).

Just like @YannCool said, would love a warning or to know when is enough of building and thralls before the gameplay gets compromised.

And yes, like @Porkslap says, game may freeze on load screen if loading a populated (building, thralls) area. I even took many pets away, but hasn’t worked yet.

Note: playing on PS4 Pro 1TB.

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