@Funcom are you ever gonna clarify the rules?

Maybe i didn’t… or maybe it is photoshoped. What do you think?
Btw. our claim around The crevice wasn’t big. enemies even put a trebuchet in front of an entrance.

I find it hilarious all this crying because someone uses the game to their advantage and beats you at the game… Baby Jesus I miss the days of play to crush…walling is wonderful I fully advocate allowing people to wall bases and basically anything… Ever heard of a siege? Stacking fence foundations? If the game allows you to do it why should it suddenly be against the rules… If your poor thrall gets killed tough cookies. I don’t advocate exploits but that is outside what the game allows…all thes rules for war lol…give me a break…either play to crush or be crushed

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That’s it. I’ve playing this game since 2017. Every war i fought until the beginning of this rules were true wars.
People did everything they could to survive and defeat the enemy.
Now it’s all about reporting.
Bugs and exploits shouldn’t be used of course, but everything else besides this is war strategy.
The massive landclaim people build is because of the game’s mechanic.

For example. My allied clan claimed the sea near the bucaneers den because their base were in the corner island. If they didn’t do this, the enemy could make a trebuchet in front of their base and it melt down faster than they could repair. Their base was there since 2018.
Then funcom shift deleted everything (as a warning, they said) because of a report.

It’s like you are a cop trying to stop a fight and shoots at the head of the involved as a “warning”.

Funcom should fix/improve their game before anything else.
I think that the only place that should be no building zone is the brimstone lake on pvp servers.

Because everything can be raided.
If you block an obelisk, you have to make a big construction around it would be weak.
anyway obelisks are not essential. before 2018 there were no obelisks and the game felt more immersive.

Build spam should be fixed with one of the many sugestions people gave here in the forums: A claim banner as Aleetoo said or maybe an Upkeep cost to mantein your buildings (the bigger your landclaim, the bigger the cost). It should even fix the issues involving walling enemies bases. You will siege the enemy base, but then you won’t mantain the upkeep cost and the wall will be gone when the war is over for example.

Blocking starter zone: i think they fixed this. everytime you try to build a wall to block the starting respawns, players begins to respawn near the newbie river.

I don’t think underwater vaults are a problem… you can destroy them easily with gods.

Undermeshing, flying bases, exploits: I agree completely with your suggestion, as well a use of 3rd party program.

Dude, stop lying.

The entire lake was filled with vaults and the claim covered all the way from the crevice to The Great Dam

Dude, stop acting as if you are the victim, YOUR ALLIED CLAN BLOCKED THE FOALS ON THE MAP do you want me to get those videos as well?
or the videos where you tried to stop us from releasing the foals?.

Now tell me, in what universe that vault spam isn’t claim spam?


Ha I knew he had to be lying. That vault spam is obscene.

i literally could not record more because i would have died of cold.
But you can be 100 % sure that the ENTIRE lake was filled with those vaults, all the way to the crevice.
Now i want him to come back here and tell me that isn’t abusive claim.

and yes, i got plenty of more videos that i could share here to expose him. but there is no point for now.

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After they modified the mechanics of the game, that was the best way we found to protect our assets. these vaults HAD items.
And regardless of that, it’s clear in FUNCOM’s message that we were banned for fence stacking as well. I don’t know what you said to them, but apparently it was convincing.
It was NOT me or my clan that claimed the foals or even the sulfur. You continue to insist on this.
This claim under the lake does not block any respawn, does not lag the server and was used simply to store our items in a safe place.

The video in which you mention it was about you raiding the base of a friend of ours and we were going to kill you there, which by the way we killed you about 10 times.
And by the way you broke his base and started to claim over EXACTLY where the foals spawned, that’s weird right?

Now what do you tell me about the flying base we raided from you? That they were actually like another clan, but we were told it was your loot.
Or how about the undermesh base at your ally’s silver mine that later joined your clan?

That kind of thing that I don’t understand. we were playing legitimately and we are punished for that.

No, being banned for stacking fence is dumb, we agree on that.

Stop it. both yarc and ice admitted it to us.
Yarc said that he had a “friend admin” and that he asked what he could do or not. And ice said that it was “war strategy”.

And when Our clan went to RELEASE the foals You came desperately on horses to try to stop us, because you knew that if we have horses, you are doomed.

Well funcom disagres and there was way too much both claim and vaults that probably lagged the server, i don’t know.

Of course we are raiding the base that was created with the sole purpose of prevent foals in the map And by the way, it was the clan that changed their name similar to ours to break the rules, record it and blame us.

You maniacs tried to blame us for blocking the foals in the map.
And then you stayed 3 hours to re-build what we broke and prevent the foal from respawing. remember that bridge? i got it all recorded.

Of course, we claimed near to stop YOU from blocking the Foal.
We literally claimed the just and necessary to stop you from blocking but that there was enough space for the foal to spawn.
And surprise, surprise, the Foal Was spamming, do you want that video as well?.

Undermesh base at silver mine? What in the world are you even talking about.

And who told you? diego maradona? please, stop inventing stuff.
You are speaking nonsense. i am speaking the thruth.
You know why? because i have proof of everything i say, and you do not. because you are lying.
You did not played legitimately. Don’t make me expose you more.

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Man. you are speaking half-truths.
I have proofs of i’m saying too.

Your clan impersonating one of my allies (maybe to forge proofs, maybe for something else…)

Your base full of stacks too. (to make a performance loss to the server of course ^^)

Your secondary/allied clan Flying base.

Your secondary/allied clan Undermesh base.


False accusations

And there’s more.

Your clan chased a friend’s wife on other social networks, were extremely racist, xenophobic and toxic in the chat.
Apart from the question of the friend’s wife, the other things I can’t say much because some friends ended up doing that too.
In all this war you were the only one on the enemy team that still had an acceptable dialogue.
And I also know that I was not particularly racist, xenophobic and etc …

In any case, there is no reason to turn a forum containing a discussion into a personal fight and accusations as we are doing.

The issue of this topic was precisely about the lack of clarity of funcom rules regarding official servers and, consequently, design flaws in the game.

-Not even on private servers the rules tend to be so dubious.
-Admins usually give warnings before punishment
-The rules of conduct of the Official servers are not contained in the game itself, many players have no idea that they exist or even what each term means.
(do you really think that a clan that is almost 2 years old as alpha on a server would let it be banned for breaking rules if it knew exactly what they are/they mean?)
-Things like claiming Vital resources should be blocked in the game (it is extremely easy to make the salt lake a No-building zone) and not as mini rules.

Apparently the answer is yes. It is in some peoples nature to “bend” the rules to the maximum and see how far they can go, until caught. Now that you have been banned, you should see the clarity in the rules much better.
Feigning ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it. Any Judge will tell you as much.

The first image, what is that? what i am supposed to be looking at?

If that is the “main” base, near the sinkhole, Yes, it has foundations and celling stackings, and i already told u that banning for that is nonsense.

The second image, what, you found a random flying base and you are just saying that it was ours? Dude, we never had a flying base.

And the third image, is that an undermesh base? and it is supposed to be us? Don’t tell me that you are showing exactly what i have been saying, that you used one of our secondary clans who has basically the same name to blame us for something we didn’t do.

WHAT? Do you mean when claudin merienda stalked ronteg’s wife on facebook and started to talk to her? Dude, i don’t really want to go there because Your ally, claudin merienda/alborgeth has showed plenty of doxing.
i was never racist, i was never xenofophobic. but i cannot speak for the rest of my clan and i do recognise that some of them went to far with the insults.
But lets not pretend that some of yours didn’t do the same or in the case of alborgeth, stalk ronteg’s wife on facebook, that was super creepy.
And by the way, i am just seeing randoms images, no name of clan or anything.

But enough of that, we could spend the entire day throwing accusations towards each other

The only thing i want is that you accept that at least your boys broke some of the rules, and your ban, and your allyes were deserved, and if some of us were banned for insults then totally deserved as well.

We could focus on the things we agree:
Banning for fence foundations stacking is absurd as we do all have them.
Some rules are too ambigous such as “resource blocking”
or “claim spam”.
-Things like claiming Vital resources should be blocked in the game Yes. At least one such as salt lake or a guaranteed foal spawn just like in siptah.

Well, until that point i had the impression that yarc was right and that he had a friend admin on funcom. So yes, you guys were doing whatever the hell they wanted in that server, until an actual worthy opponent showed up so you probably decided that u guys got enough farm and that it was a good idea blocking resouces.

But regardless of that, if you ever come back to conan officials lets leave all this nonsense behind so we can have an actual good fight, fair and square, no rule breaking from either side.
A damn good fight like the one we had when we tried to attack your base and the next day when we defended after a 5 hour siege.
Like i said, we only care about war in the game, i do not care or want to take this to personal or anything like that.

Please tell us what server is this…id like to make a toon there and see all this myself…and perhaps wipe all of you from the server


This thread:




Sounds like the Kardashians play on that server. . . what drama. . .LMAO

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Bring popcorn . . .

Have some of mine:


Yeah… i could spend all day talking about what happened in that server, but i guess that this isn’t the place :stuck_out_tongue:

It was official 1978.

I really hope no one’s reporting stuff in the thread (outside of anything that goes total dumb and crosses some major lines). I wanna see how far the drama goes.

This game needs more PVP drama. I might be a terrible person lol. And you all are terrible too, now I’ve remembered I’ve got my popcorn kettle to clean, cause now I want popcorn too.