Funcom should do a partial server wipe


Honestly do feel like every 6 or 12 months a server wipe would be a good idea, there are some servers where there just isn’t any decent location to build at all because that servers alpha tribe got way too out of hand. Eventually you start to have perfectly good servers that no body plays on, because no body really CAN play on those servers.

No wipe is needed. That’s what decay is for…

Pretty sure full wipe is coming soon to official. I know all the private servers are planning it. Next big update will probably require it.

Nonsense. Pure nonsense. Do not mix private servers please, they run with stupidest gathering rates. Thanks.

Honestly this game could not go 4 months in EA without a wipe due to crap code and exploits and it seems to trending the same way live. - the muck level just keeps rising the same as in EA and the decay is just as screwed now leaving so much litter on the ground and in the air as it was in EA.

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