Future content releases, expectations, and you

I have the expectation that the story mission we’ll get at the end of the content delivered on April 4th which will lead us to the next season/chapter/page will be named “Bury your head in the sand”.

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Also because for all we know it may work differently from other zones. If we’re undercover in a camp there may be lots of times when they don’t want us seeing other players for immersion reasons (if we’re breaking into a building for instance, you don’t want several other players jumping through a broken window before you). And then there is the night curfew thing - will this be a complex version of a day-night cycle or with lots of content within instanced missions?

As this zone is potentially quite different from others, expectations on what we’ll see might be quite far off from what we’re used to so speculation of any kind seems a tad self defeating. I for one just want to go into it with an open mind and judge it on its own merits, not several years worth of expectation. Hopefully, we’ll be pleasantly surprised by the new story and have a good time.

They have lots of light levels, which could mean the possible coming of a “Reputation” feature to unlock new areas, missions and stuff we didn’t even see coming.

I hope there’s no green bag rewards. This trash needs to stop being offered as a reward. Its not a reward by anyone’s definition if more time is spent opening and selling that trash to a vendor than the mission itsself required.

Oh, very important too : the special talismans in cache-shaped dropbags.
We need more than just belts now.

Mostly I’m looking forward to exploring new sabotage missions so I hope the update has a few. Dusty Dark was a good one.

Only thing I actually expect to happen is things they’ve said explicitly - like “Lying Low in the Limelight” finally being gone. I don’t expect the new area to have many missions, or really anything to keep me there long term, besides exploring.

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While I agree with you to an extent, and live by low expectations and pleasant surprises, expectations are inevitable. If I pay money for a FIRENDS DVD, I expect FRIENDS, not Sesame Street. I get where you’re going, but expectations are an aspect of feedback.

I just hope they work on adding Manufactory and Manufactory Breached to the relaunch before they start working on more new content. These two are completely absent from SWL, which is a shame because they significantly add to the main plot. At least getting the story modes in wouldn’t be a bad move.

Other than that, I don’t know regarding completely new content. I’d rather check out the quality and quantity of content delivered in this upcoming update first, before adjusting my expectations.

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I’ll hold my judgement on future content releases until we know a bit more about what we are getting this time. :slight_smile:

Don’t forget elites for Hell Fallen, The Facility and The Slaughterhouse.

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At least those dungeons are in the game, so everyone can enjoy their plots. I’d like to see Elite versions of them, but for the story, it’s better to get the Manufactories in as at least story mode. There are so many people who haven’t experienced them at all, and the Manufactory lore is fantastic.

Anyhow, personally, for this new bit of content, I’m expecting about as much as we got with the first part of Kaidan lo these many years ago. If there is more, then I shall be pleased indeed.

Also also: I am hoping for content that makes Baby Scriv cry. On account of that would be amazing.

or… you can see the consequences as they are. You transferred money. That is the cause. Friends may arrive. Sesame Street may arrive. Nothing may arrive. Company may go bankrupt. Blackout, war, or even natural disaster may happen. Or something may happen to you, or or cat and you won’t care anymore what arrives.

Expectation is just hoping (AKA having faith in deus ex machina) for one particular consequence without ones own doing. It’s naive look at the world (AKA you see what you want to see instead of the reality that exists).

You can always choose to see all consequences or use the life itself to walk the one you want.

I don’t have “low expectations”. I have none. There are things we heard (I won’t even say “we know”). I have no intention changing anything on this matter so I don’t need to make any speculations or expectations. Just flowing the stream of consequences gets you into the same “future” as everyone else here as nobody who has expectations is willing or able to pay the price for change.

AKA wait and see or make it happen, hoping your dreams suddenly come true without your doing can only bring misery

I’m expecting a cricket bat skin for the hammer weapon.


Small portion of planned area comes first. Then if peoples dont buy stuff -> Maintenance mode

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This isn’t the only way of seeing things. What you bring as a way of behaving translates quite at times into depression, pessimism and even suicide. Hoping is in human’s nature, this is how we are done. You can choose not to, this won’t make you feel better when no content is released if you were not expecting anything, but it will just make you feel bad constantly before anything even happens or doesn’t happen. Someone hoping for new content and getting disappointed by not seeing it isn’t necessarily a bad fate or a reason to avoid hoping.

This statement of mine comes from someone who’s cat died at some point, and who didn’t stand the emotion of that death and decided to never have any animal just to avoid to deal with the frustration of death. This isn’t quite the same situation, but the analogy stands. One stops leaving when he/she decides to isolate himself to avoid dealing with bad situations (like conflicts with other people, death and other negative things), at the same time removing any possibility of experiencing good things such a friendship, love and new discoveries. In this sense, not expecting anything from future, not “hoping” just to avoid the frustration of hopes not being fulfilled is a way of living, and it’s up to each person to choose it, but it is NOT the only way of living / behaving, and maybe not the “best” either.

Good for you mate! That’s your choice! I personally have high expectations, and i’m leaving in a very happy way about the game as a result right now. Being disappointed is a risk, i chose to take it. This isn’t a naive look at the world or anything.

You are wrong.

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You’re pessimistic to a degree that ignores causality. It’s ironically unrealistic. Then again, there’s also the constant emphasis about “own doing”. As if doing something yourself always results in the intended outcome. So maybe it’s hubris, I don’t know.


While one ought not be pessimistic to such a degree that one has no hope or expectations in anything as a way to shield oneself from pain and frustration, that doesn’t mean having low expectations for a piece of entertainment, from a small development team that has done little in the past few years to warrant them, is a mistake. Expectations should be tempered by reality. It’s better to reserve hope in greater, more worthwhile things in life.



I expect I’ll play this new update, I expect I’ll enjoy it! I’ve always enjoyed the storyline and have been waiting for more.

I expect it’ll leave me wanting more as we’ll probably be in a ‘Lay Low’ situation again, and with the team having resources split off to the shooter project I expect I’ll probably be exploring other games for 6 months or more waiting for news of…news.

Which is what I was generally doing before, so eh.

My expectation for this, pre-trailer, was maybe the content of two TSW-era Issues, with regular updates fleshing it out like how Kaidan was done.

After the trailer, I get the hope that it’s a lot more than that, up-front.

There’s more to managing expectations than to prevent the pain of disappointment. If all you see in front of you is everything that could be and isn’t, you may fail to see and appreciate what is there before you.