Game freezes / Black screen Siptah 2.1

Game freezes / Black screen

No Moods - Official EU PVE-C

Game worked fine for five hours , then when we done Surge ( 1000 energy ) around 00:30 CTE
and halfway through game started freezing / black Screen - game not crashing … restarting game and between 2-10s game freezes again …

File Verification - not finding any issues …

Just update to freezes - looks like its happen during surge , interaction with surge thralls , knocking them out ,dragging … Had other players experience it during surge and witnessed it my self - nearby clan started surge - when they knocked out thralls and attempted to drag them it was looking like they being disconnected …when spoken to them they told game freezes / black Screen - needed to sign out of windows … Tho problems keep repeating until surge finishing