Game won't even make it to the main menu before crashing

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash]
Region: [North America]

Just bought this while it was on sale because I saw people saying the bugs weren’t that bad. Spent 3 days downloading it on my middle-of-nowhere internet.

Launch the game and it usually makes it somewhere around they “then they took your health” line before it just drops me back onto the dashboard. Sometimes crashes as early as the Unreal logo.

I’ve tried restarting the console as I’ve had some issues with freshly downloaded games before restarting previously, but no change.

Obviously I’m pretty new here, not sure what kind of record they have with these things… I don’t see much positive though. Am I better off just calling MS for a refund?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Try to start the game.

Try to hard reset your console.

Start your xbox one.
Once it has completely turned on, hold the power button on the console for 10 secs, then release.

Also are you trying to play on a wifi internet connection? If so and if you can, try to run a ethernet cable to it instead.

Sorry, should have been clearer, I did try a hard restart. Twice kinda, since one of the crashes also shut down my Xbox.

I’m using wired connection… Although I’m not sure why that would matter as I’m not trying to load into an online game or anything, since I can’t even get past the intro cutscene.

If you look in the lower left hand side of the screen as the game is loading you will see 3 “flashing dots”. I believe the game is syncing with a server or doing a checksum…

Since the last update my game freezes for 2 to 3 secs at the same spot yours crashes. But I can still play for an hour or more before it crashes…

Yeah, I see the dots moving.

The intro cutscene does stick a bit, sometimes for a second, but then the game just closes and it sends me to the dashboard.

Having pretty much the same problem except i can usually get into the game for about 20 seconds before it crashes. And my Xbox has hard rebooted itself a few times.