Game Won't Start

I’ve been trying to get onto the game for the past half hour and after signing in, it gets to loading data then crashes. Any reason for this? Game’s been working fine before today.

Generic help:

Have you changed/updated any drivers / windows right before the crashes started?

If not, maybe try updating drivers.

Have you tried to Repair Broken Data in the launcher?

What is the error message if there is one?

Have you tried to log in to a different character?

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No to 1st and 3rd and there is no error message, it just freezes/crashes to the point that I can’t even alt/tab out of it even if I ctl/alt/del to pull up my task manager so I’m forced to reboot my system each time.

Try running the game in windowed mode. That might prevent you from having to reboot and you may actually see an error message if it isn’t windows crashing.

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Well, everything was fine after I replied to you last night but thanks for the advice. I’ll try that the next time it happens.