HACKERS 1110 1069 all the servers most populated what are we doing to get rid of HACKS

Firstly, a thank you for posting issues so others with similar issues can also get involved. Secondly, see feedback from other responses regarding moving to Private servers.

Most multiplay survival games out there have one for of exploit/hacking or another. There are a lot of players unable to play normally so believe they have to resort to hacks to progress. It’s a ‘thing’.

When players spot hacks, they should always drop feedback via the bug-report link:
[and remember, (a) Funcom have been/may still be on their usual Annual Vacation right now; (b) Have a list of major/minor bugs/issues they are working through so it takes time to track, resolve and patch issues; and (c) release fixes/updates/patches via a formal process and in one go]. You can see via past Patch/Update notes the volume of fixes they deal with.

Post all bugs, etc via:

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