Halloween Events Guide

So some Halloween Quests have been activated for 2019, jucheeee!
Here is some information about the quests:

By the Light of the Moon/Beim Licht des Mondes

Ulfheoinn, X 170; Y 450 Y, Aquilonian Tradepost/Aquilonischer Handelsposten

Thirst of the Serpent God/Durst des Schlangengottes

PVE: Plakat/Poster, X 840; Y 1135 in front of the Traders Post/vor dem Handelsposten or/oder X 1160; Y 850 on the mainland/auf dem Festland
PVP: ??? /Pragmatischer Setpriester, X 850; Y 1150, mainland/Festland

The Shambling Plague/Die schlurfende Seuche

Hadrathus, X 900; Y 850, in front of the gate to the Common District/direkt vor dem Tor zum Gesindeviertel

Night of the Lost Souls from the Partially Translated Page from claims seems to be not active atm.
Die Nacht der verlorenen Seelen von der Teilweise Übersetzten Seite aus den Anforderungen scheint zur Zeit nicht aktiv zu sein.

Here is a little script

<a href="text://<font color='#00FFFF'>Halloween Quests - up until Monday 11. November<br></><br></><br></>CONARCH: By the Light of the Moon/Beim Licht des Mondes<br></>Ulfheoinn, X 170; Y 450 Y, Aquilonian Tradepost/Aquilonischer Handelsposten<br></><br></>KHEMI: Thirst of the Serpent God/Durst des Schlangengottes<br></>PVE: Poster, X 840; Y 1135, Traders Post/Handelsposten or/oder X 1160; Y 850 mainland/Festland<br></>PVP: Pragmatischer Set Priester, X 1150 Y 850, mainland/Festland<br></><br></>OLD/ALT TARANTIA: The Shambling Plague/Die schlurfende Seuche<br></>Hadrathus, X 900; Y 850, gate to the Common District/Tor zum Gesindeviertel<br></><br></>Night of the Lost Souls from the Partially Translated Page from claims seems to be not active atm.<br></>Die Nacht der verlorenen Seelen von der Teilweise Übersetzten Seite aus den Anforderungen scheint zur Zeit nicht aktiv zu sein.<br></><br></>Script & Information:<br></>https://forums.funcom.com/t/halloween-events-information-about-quests-etc/91752"</font></>Halloween Quests</a>

Shorter vor NPH channel: Yeah, this forum only allows one formated text
shorten it yourself.


By the Light of the Moon (can be done at lvl 40)
You can do it in a group.

Reward: Suspicious Crate (1 for mainquest, 2 for 2 ultrafast but optional quests in Conarch at night)
Can contain:

  • Cloak of Vampire Protection (50 silver)
  • Cloak of the Mossy Cultist (50 silver)
  • Coat of the Wolfwere (50 silver)
  • Cloak of Caerbannog (50 silver)
  • Cloak of the Dreaded Count (50 silver)
  • Poor Mans Cloak (50 silver)
  • 3 Werewolf Pets: Grey, Bloody, Red
  • PVE, PVP or AA Halloween Candy (50% EP, 1 hour)
  • Werewolfmorphs: Grey, Bloody, Red

Henryxs awesome vanity post about the cloaks:


Thirst of the Serpent God (can be done at lvl 20)
You can do this quest in a group.


Rewards / Belohnung: Mark of Sacrificy / Mal der Aufopferung

Trade 10 of them for a “Crate of Random Oddities” at the Temple-of-Set-Neophyt near one of the posters.
Tausche 13 StĂŒck davon gegen eine “Kiste der zufĂ€lligen KuriositĂ€ten” beim Tempel-des-Set-Neophyten jeweils in der NĂ€he des Posters.

Can contain:

  • Swift Stygian Festival Stallion
  • PVE, PVP and AA candy (50% PVE, PVP or AA EP, 1 hour)
  • Sacrificial Blade aka “Suicide Dagger” (kills yourself, reusable permanent item, cd 10 minutes, 22 silver 50 copper)
  • Festival Mask of: Danger, Bloodshed, Sacrifice, Fear, Offering, Rituals
  • Disciple of Set Vanity Set
  • PVE, PVP or AA Halloween Candy (50% EP, 1 hour)

ZufÀlliger Inhalt:

  • Schneller sytgischer Festivalhengst
  • PVE oder PVP Bonbons (50% PVE oder PVP EP, 1 Stunde)
  • Opferklinge aka Selbstmorddolch (wiederverwendbares permanentes Item, CD 10 Minuten, verkaufbar 22 Silber 50 Kupfer)
  • Festivalmaske des/der; Gefahr, Blutvergießens, Opfers, Angst, Darbietung, Rituale
  • SchĂŒler von Set Pompset
  • PVE, PVP oder AA Halloween Candy (jeweils 50% EP, 1 Stunde)

Henryx made an awesome post about the rewards:


Rewards: ???

I do not pvp, so I have no clue.


Night of all Souls (can be done at lvl 20)
You can do this quest in a group.

Only Halloween Quest that is relevant for the achievements (szenarios - nights of lost souls - shambling plague).

Awesome guide by Khaletohep:

Loot Bag coordinates, contributed by Yorgomir

Tarantia Common District Night

857, 840 - Mysterious Loot Bag #1
664, 889 - Mysterious Loot Bag #2
580, 858 - Mysterious Loot Bag #3

Tarantia Noble District Night

1056,1125 - Mysterious Loot Bag #4
1044, 1163 - Mysterious Loot Bag #5
965, 1184 - Mysterious Loot Bag #6

The Catacombs Night

279, 304 - Mysterious Loot Bag #7
316, 296 - Mysterious Loot Bag #8
253, 263 - Mysterious Loot Bag #9


Great guide Kantakwa.

Maybe you add that the “Suicide Dagger” (can) drop from the Khemi boxes. I know some peope are curious of how to obtain it.

Sure, thank you! It is work in progress - if anyone can contribute, please keep it coming!

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Thanks so much for the posts!


Just found some good info from this thread so thank you so much and hope you will continue by this way

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Its incorrect. Suspicious crates also have a chance for candies AND expertise points. That’s how I got like 90 AA and PvP candies. As well as like 30 expertise points.

As I said earlier and as the three dots indicate: This is work in progress. Maybe you want to turn your claim of incorrectness into a helpfull contribution and share what is missing exactly? Are the expertise point drops Phials of Heavenly Knowledge (3 exptertise points), or something else?

The ones that pop from the chests are 1 exp points, which I assume is the same across the board

It is this time of the year again.

Just a push.


I think this must be pushed, also telling that the sacrificial dagger is not single use but can be used again with reasonable cooldown

Good point, I will add that.

can also be added:

“By the Light of the Moon” can be done at lvl 40
“Thirst of the Serpent God” and “The Shambling Plague” both at lvl 20

Thank you, added!


It’s that season again.

Just bumping this, again.