How do I get my pet to attack further?

I can’t seem to command my pet to attack aggressive enemies until I’m close enough that the enemy has already aggro’d onto me anyway. This is really annoying, how I can I make it so I can get my pet to attack something before I’m in aggro range?


Greetings Striffy. Hold down the interact button (its □ on ps4, not sure about PC unfortunately) on the desired Pet. When the radial command wheel appears, select ‘behaviour’ > ‘engagament’ > ‘attack distance’, then select the desired value and hit confirm. It ranges from lowest 5 metres up to highest 50 metres.

Ps- to maximise aggression it is probably also a good idea to go to ‘behaviour’ > ‘engagement’ > and activate ‘attack all enemies’. But a word of :warning: Caution: dont go into a friendly town or camp such as Sepermeru or Camp of the Castaways with attack all enemies still active, or you wil find yourself in a spot of bother, and relatively unpopular among the local populace. Instead switch them back to either ‘guard me’ or ‘do nothing’


I think this performance issue was started with 2.4, its the same on XB too. Gotta get right in the npcs face before command will work. On XB there is so much lag from the memory shave, that the thralls take many attempts to get a first hit on npcs, it takes so long for my thrall to get agro, i often have to kick and fight everything myself while Cripple Head(my thrall) just keeps swinging where the npcs used to be…its totally muffed up…been like that for a few months now, will be like this for months still…FC vacations…

As @Croms_Faithful stated, since you play PC, it is just a matter of setting up your pet/follower correctly. My default settings are “Attack Everything” and 30 meters. Once I get close but still out of agro range I order my follower to advance and they will agro the mob(s). Using the attack command is not worth it as you have to be pretty close to the mob. Just order your follower to “Move” and they will do the rest.


Im not sure if that is the underpinning cause or not Stinkyfingerton. Followers have been a bit on the daft side for a while, even prior to the memory savings. Although as a ps4 player I am a version behind yourself and the other members in here. I dont want to get too deep into this as I do try not to be unkind to Funcom. Moreover, I dont want to derail poor Striffy’s thread on them. But the lag is bad on my end too. And I mean really, really bad. Its almost a 1 or 2 count or frame for frame at times. We need fixes and/or optimisations pretty bad on ps4.

Really takes a bite out of the fun of playing…havent logged in days. I am amazed and saddened to hear PS is actually worse than XB. Must impact you greatly. You are a champ to keep at it…i get fustrated and have to leave CE for a few days at a time.

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Back on topic, once you master the technique, this will be you.


@Striffy Everyone guide you beautiful, but there’s one detail left. Your follower track distance. So in order to achieve attack from your pet sooner than the agro of the npc, your follower must follow in close distance. This however will have a great minus, in fight your pet will block you and your pets face will be constantly sticked on your a… anytime you stop :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Not to mention all the bugs follower fights has right now, I will suggest you something else.
Go strength 4 perks, 1 ag, 2 grit, 2 vit, rest encumbrance and do your own fights. You problems will be less, with guard me and following distance 20 m, the horse 30 (away). Use your followers for healing pillars only, do your own fights, to finish faster. Maybe some thralls or pets hit hard but they do a lot of air combos and they cannot stagger or avoid hits.


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