How FC could deal with cheaters

Make a part of the official servers “Cheater Server” and move all who cheated to these server. Also prohibit them to join a non cheater server.

I assume there are dead/empty official server which could be used as C-server.

That way honest player would not have to deal with these cheaters and the cheaters could continue to play, together with their kind.

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Loan tramposos deberían tener una advertencia y a la segunda ser blokeados de Conan

Make the cheat servers be hardcore mode, 1/3 XP gains, 1/2 harvesting, 2x Craft speed, 2x Thrall/Pet taming speed.

There was a game that would send the griefers to a prison island and let them fight it out. After X amount of days, they would be released back into population. This would be an awesome feature for people who attack newbies or big clans attacking solo players.

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