How I got Missing Crafter Back (AoH)

Condition: Private Server (not single player)
Date: 2-3 days after Age of Heroes was released
Out of fear of getting “Funcommed”, I only placed 3 crafters on day 1. When I returned 1 day later, only 1 was missing. I attempted to “rescue” him via the Followers menu. He didn’t show as I performed it from where he was already.
I waited 1 hour for the cooldown and attemted this again at another camp. He never appeard but he was usable at his crafting table.
I wasn’t able to move this table as it said it was “In use”.
I deplyed a bed at this camp and waited about 15 minutes to later find him sleeping in the bed. I put him on follow and moved him home. Time will tell.
Other things I tried was to go into admin mode/ghost mode and look for him up high and under mesh but not very far down. Never saw him.
Hope this helps someone. He had beds in his original camp but never showed up anywhere.

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