How to Fight Disciples of Sobek Purge?

i shouldve used my syntax better. I OWNED a horde of castoffs i used to fight the sobek squad xD


We suffer same issues here brother, I am no better :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
YES I agree, ofcurce they help, the more the merrier! Ofcurce it can be laggy if you have too many hordes of guards, but at the same time you have only animal casualties, nothing else!

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I have like 20-30 T1 cannon fodder sitting in a box somewhere in my castle. They’re useful when getting raided too, especially archers. No healing for you!

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Ehhh purges had a great potential in theory, i hope we will get purge 2.0 in some new Age of Conquerors…
But today sometimes they are really cool too… i remember once my base was bombed by orb thralls, its almost feels like actual siege
P.s. YES, those guys are pricks, they attacked my base too… lucky me, in most part they just got lost in the rocks and glitched trying to find a way to my structures (AI navigation issues probably).

Ps.2. YEs, use locusts, use poison, use gas orbs, make tons of disposable heavy hitters (like alfa hyenas)

Same here, that’s the only thing that saved me. I saw them coming in little platoons, 2 by two, six archers plus a Gold Bar Leader, I was so cocky. I was way up on the Temple level, so I launched a whole lot of Spider orbs. Early days. womp - womp :tronwut: After that I started to panic.

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I have also found that base location is the best defense.

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