I literally joined the forums with the main purpose of sharing this abomination

The sun is setting here, let’s have a party before.
@AndyB, @Ignasi, @Caroll, share your last abominations, let’s make a hell of exit!!!

This talk about action figure parody reminded me of this:

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Aw really? Sad face. I once saw a Albert Einstein action figure in a store lol

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Aight, aight! Challenge accepted!

Here’s what I thought was great base decor back in 2018…I was so proud of it I took a screenshot lol


You didn’t had the options you have now, so yes, it was an outstanding decor.
Other than that travel to north for “fur” was a big deal a great step. Wolves were menace, so i do understand why you were proud for these animals you killed. I am pretty sure you have somewhere a photo with mammoth, green and red dragon trophies.
Wonderful memories, thanks a million for this :heart:.

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Hey all! Sorry for hitting the solution button in my sleep. I unchecked it but will be sure to post regularly to avoid this threads closure. <3

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Was going to say wonder woman but no bra?

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I am about to offend a few people but they arent allowed to keep it Lol!!

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Reminds me of a buff lord Farquaad



Oh god I’ll never unsee it

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Wut :rofl:

Mudar os controles igual a funcom fez com a atualização anterior é o mesmo que estão fazendo com StarWars, ainda bem que foi ajustado e todos estamos continuando jogando e não sou obrigado a jogar ou assistir nada, ainda bem que tenho o jogo para diversão :stuck_out_tongue:

Radiant cat quests next age? DISCUSS lmao


If it’s a Larian game, the cat will at least have some dialogue.

If it’s a Nihon Falcom game, the cat is somehow relevant to the main story.

If it’s Conan Exiles, the cat makes constant annoying noises, blocks doorways and otherwise manages to get in your way in every possible manner, but you just can’t make yourself break the bond with it.


Who says it has to be a quest? It could be a special merchant on the side of the street.


KITTY BOND IS FOREVER BOND. lmao! And Deamo, I very much love this idea. XD

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I hate posting social media links, but I can’t find this on YouTube, so:


Funny real story. I’m permanently banned from Instagram and I haven’t a clue why. Iade the account when my oldest got one and never looked at it until my youngest got hers. Then tried to log in and found out I’m permabanned. I think I got hacked, they did stupid stuff during the sensitive years and now I’m out an account with that email. I had 30 days to appeal but I missed that by 3+ years. So I wear my lack of Instagram with pride.

