I really wanted to love this

As a Norwegian, I feel kinship with FunCom, and so want to love this game…
I stuck with it for a year now, putting in far too many hours, and have got my moneys worth many times… that is not what this is about at all…

Problem is that I now realize this game will never become what it should have been…
The bugs and optimization issues just show that FunCom are not up for something this scale…
To try to make a everlasting list somewhat constructive:

1: draw distance… you can walk past an entire city made by players if you miss it by 50 meters… what should have dominated the horizons don’t begin to draw before you are practically there… how many times I have tried spotting a settlement from a high point, only to see an empty valley right under me, that is in reality filled with structures…
This could be fixed, or at least HELPED, in a lot of ways, but it will never be…

2: Physics… animals that should be heavy look like they are made of air… not able to follow terrain at all… fight something big in any area that is not completely flat and open, and chances are good they get hit out of the world, get stuck at an angle, or just stuck in terrain… Most of the challenge of world bosses is not to kill them, but to keep them on the ground long enough to kill them, as they are bound to glitch in all sort of ways before you can finally drain those huge HP banks of them…
Not to mention a simple thing as kicking an NPC opponent of a cliff… they fly just fine as long as they live…
Slamming something or someone into a wall is badass, or should be if they took notice of the wall and not just went through it.

3: G-portal… I am speachless…

4: hitboxes… interesting how the big crocodile manage to get that bite to do damage from ten meters away, as long as you are in line with its jaws… or taking a strategic stance behind a narrow opening, just to find that dragons have no mass, and can walk through solid rock…

5: general BUGS, like yearold nonsence as the cameraglich in create a character sending the camera way out over the shoulder of the character, building bugs, hitboxes, falling debree every time my castles load and all sort of things that quite frankly is not up to par…

I could go on and on, but there is no point.

I now FunCom are working hard on this, but from the look of some devstreams, I fear they still have not moved past the “drag and drop” scripting system of the engine, and into the realm of code… if that’s really the case, there is really no hope…