I walk into Empty

Just finished “I walk into Empty” mission. It was amazing. Whole build up from previous missions, the whole quest chain with spy movies and horrors in abandoned bases. Then lulaby and Emma’s revelation. Story missions in this game are great and surpass most of other MMO’s.

Just wanted to share how blown away i am by the story :slight_smile:
Thank you Funcom.

For reminder something found on the internet:
I walk into Empty


That mission chain is definitely one of the highlights of an always-strong story.


One of the best, if not the best, mission in Gaming today.
You can get the song on I-Tunes.
It’s occupied a place of honor in my Library for a couple of years now.


Ohhh. Does anyone have a list of other compositions/songs that are in game but not in only official OST album that’s on iTunes?

UPD. Found this gem Reddit - Dive into anything guess it answers my question well, now only need to google every track mentioned there. :thisisfine:

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Just wait until you get into The Manufactory dungeons and finish up the Emma story line. It continues the events that started in The Nursery and is totally awesome. Wraps up the entire story arc and much of the Tokyo aftermath doesn’t make complete sense without this endcap.


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Most of the game’s original music can be found on the composer’s SoundCloud.


Oh, he has The Park too there, cool. Thanks for the link! :purple_heart:

Don’t miss the original version: