Olá caros , imaginem um jogo onde o ouro é o dinheiro real do dia a dia que agente usa , os jogadores iriam se matar caçando base pra raidar e roubar o dinheiro, poderia tbm ter um mercado que jogadores compram e vendam itens entre jogares
The situation when everyone can mint coins in their own yard is absurd.
From the very beginning, it was possible to introduce one or more currencies in the game, as well as a system of professions, etc., which is implemented in some mods.
Since, as it turns out from a conversation with Razma, the Exiled Lands border Shem from the north, then, obviously, these lands are sandwiched between Stygia and Shem, and it would be possible to circulate two currencies: Stygian and Shemite, with the exchange of one money for another.
Exato da pra deixar as outras moedas que já existem no jogo é acrescentar essa moeda de valor real , minha ideia seria ser volumoso pra ser difícil esconder , exemplo cada uma moeda de valor real fosse uma barra , pra fazer volume no baú e ser difícil esconder
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