I'm done with this game


That’s the last time I play this game! I have put so many hours in to it and I have been along for the ride now from very early days. I’m not excepting the fact that when I log off for 3 days I come back to practically nothing! 100’s of hours of game time gathering resources, a nice base with lots of loot all gone in a matter of days. When I check the event log I find that it wasn’t another player that destroyed my base but a wolf! I’m not spending everyday playing this game as I have a life and can’t be on to protect it every second of the day! What a waste because I really enjoyed this game. Glad I only payed £10 off a cd key website to get it! Disgusting and you are going to continue to have dissatisfied players who are fed up with the way it works. I will not waste another second on this game.