Increase female thrall spawning



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Ballsofsteel as in ball bearings. They are literally balls of steel. This elven maiden won’t be charmed by your dwarfish charm. You’re better off bring your hobbit and gnome friends.

I just want more female thrall equity spawn rates. After all the lore reason why.

p.s this is the internet. Most of us sounds the same.

3.0 is release I’ll have plenty of males to tribute to corruption.

What about the other ten?


. :smiley:


Every thrall uses it’s own ratios, however, every M/F ratio in the game is only one of the following five ratios: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75, 0/100.

25/75 is the least used ratio in the game, as far as I am aware, the only thrall that uses it is the Ritualist.

The lone fisherman is 50/50? I hate dice whining but damn… I feel screwed…

No, Lone Fisherman is 75/25.

Ah yes I wasnt paying attention to m/f and read it as f/m

I don’t have completely up-to-date data, so I can’t give exact numbers, as I know they are wrong for the current game version, and may become even more wrong as soon as 3.0 drops. However, I doubt the proportions change much over time, so I’ll give them as percentages which are likely to still be pretty accurate. So from most commonly used ratios to least common:

  • 100/0 ~57%
  • 0/100 ~36%
  • 75/25 ~4%
  • 50/50 ~2%
  • 25/75 ~0%
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Wow, I guess I’m really lucky there.
My craftsmen in Exiles Land are all female, my chiefs are female too.
at me it is a bit different.
I tend to find female thralls more than males.

Well, it depends what you are looking for.

For instance, if you are looking for a named blacksmith in New Asagarth, you are definitely going to be finding a female. Not because you are lucky, but because there are no male named blacksmiths in New Asagarth.


I have thralls from all villages and camps and they have all been female so far only a few of my fighters are male.

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I don’t know why this is the case for me, I sometimes feel like this game loves me as much as I love it.
All of my guardians at my base also have the Sword of Crom.
A really rare item in the game. I own it 24x.
And I don’t play offline, only online.

Because it was really important to me to make the trophies online on an official server so that I can be really proud of these trophies.
3030 PvE Offi is my server and 8007 PvE both EU servers.

Only for the elephant tower trophy, I had do it on a PvP server.

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Really? I’ve come across lots of female lone fisherman. :woman_shrugging: I guess that’s just RNG though.


I’ve been walking around the Nameless City for days.
You can say the Nameless City was my second home.:smile:

Besides, I took all the fragments of power with me.
Since then I’ve been sitting on a box of them, I hope that with the new update even more recipes for the fragments will come into the game.

But we had better get back to the topic before anyone else complains.:joy:

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Thank you, I hope that you will soon find many ladies for your castle.
And of course that you also get a lot of the swords. :v:t4::blush:

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It has a Greek clan on 8007, @Kazalakis use to play there, I visit him and I already have a toon there, where is your location?

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G8 Stormglass Building / Clan: Creators

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I’ll drop by to pay my respects :grin:. If you ever want to do something out of the box, crazy, feel “free” in this game, just name it. All these years I am looking for “crazy” veterans to have real pve fun. I love castles, thematic builds, organized stations, well dressed thralls, greater pets, markets, museums, a million things you can have in this game. Yet playing as a hobo is another experience, the thrill is big when you go unprepared to places you shouldn’t be there at this point, without thralls, the prize of win is bigger :grin:. Looking forward m8 to play with you one day :+1:t6:.