Game mode: Online official Type of issue: Bug Server type: PvE Region: US
I cannot connect to the official server 1521. My friends can connect, so I know its still up.
I did a verify integrity of local files on steam, and found no issues
I tried connecting with a different computer, and it also just loads forever. (problem is not environmental)
I can connect successfully to a different official server
I own all DLC packs
Looking through the logs, the only thing that shows up as suspicious to me is:
[2020.01.02-01.24.52:261][640]ItemInventory:Error: Data: Failed to load VisualDestructibleMesh: /Game/Items/Weapons/Axe/SM_undead_dragon_horn_waraxe_DM.SM_undead_dragon_horn_waraxe_DM
[2020.01.02-01.24.52:276][641]ItemInventory:Warning: Data: UGameItem::OnEquip(): Item 'Rock1_C_0' does not specify an EquipSocketName
[2020.01.02-01.24.59:209][ 47]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Items/Weapons/Meshes/SK_khitai_bow_DM.uasset"
[2020.01.02-01.24.59:209][ 47]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Items/Weapons/Meshes/SK_khitai_bow_DM.umap"
[2020.01.02-01.24.59:209][ 47]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Items/Weapons/Meshes/SK_khitai_bow_DM requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Items/Weapons/Meshes/SK_khitai_bow_DM
[2020.01.02-01.24.59:209][ 47]LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages..
Obviously I have no way of knowing if this is a natural error, but it seems like valid info.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
So update, apparently sometime around noon my base totally vanished. My friends say they see me sleeping in the air. So yeah the problem is not my machine~
so full reinstall fixed it but then my whole base went invisible and it happened again, I cant afford to be reinstalling the game ever 2 hours to play my server was #1962. dont waste your time reinstalling its only temporary… also tried using my friends pc to log into to my steam and play, didnt work… also then gave them the same problem when they tried to play on their character afterwards… like a virus or something
The server had missed it’s previous automated daily restart so we’ve poked G-Portal regarding this matter, thank you for letting us know that you’re now able to login!
Just tried to log in, having this exact same issue on official 1510 as of this evening. Was able to play this morning. Happening at base by New Asgarth, my wife logged in closer to the sinkhole and went north to confirm the base is invisible and I am stuck sleeping there in mid air.