Is there any point in making an incarmine shield?

So other than for decoration or for a thrall, is there any point in making an Incarmine shield? The bleed doesn’t stack and with a durability of 300, it wont last past the second room. I feel like it is missing a zero from the end, especially given the repair cost and the power level needed to attain it.

It was great when the punch daggers were OP. Put the shield up and watch them r1 themselves to death.

I think they got the big Nerf when the Gray One’s gear (and bleed in general) got nerfed.
It looks like they neglected to improve their durability when they boosted the Gray One’s shield durability last patch.

Reactive bleed was such a lovely little bit of chicanery, but it was too much fun (or rather, used the same bleed inflicting mechanic as Gray One and Incarmine weapons) and threatened the niche of daggers being the only way of rapid stacking DoTs, so nerfed into ornamental use only it went.

Like many Legendary items, it’s only use is nostalgia and home decorating.

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I’d like to extend this question to shields in general. Any reason to use anything other than a serpent-man shield, since those have respectable durability and can be repaired by hand through easily looted iron bars?

Bonus vitality for holding it. +5 I’m pretty sure, it’s useful as an offhand stat increase for that alone. Fiend-bone is similar for strength


Only for about two rooms though if you need to block. Might stick it on a thrall to boost their health and at least they don’t rely on durability. It’s a shame as even if they put it’s durability up by a factor of 10 it would still be on the low end of shield durability but at least would be practical with that trade off.

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Quick question, as I don’t use shields with weapons that include the shield in their attack animation (Shortswords or Javelins are what I couple with shields) and thus use them exclusively to block…

If you attack with a combo that includes animation for the shield being used in the attack, does it reduce the shield’s durability?

In my experience no, just the weapon’s.

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Thank you. I’m away from any option of playing for a few days and couldn’t check.

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