Is this a good method to hide my loot?

First, some context. I play on PC unofficial, the server rate is x4 for everything. It’s relatively easy to build stuff and raid as well. Raiding is Friday and Saturday night for 4 hours. It seems mild compared to official pvp, but holy crap does it get insane during those nights. Talking about full 60 server with a queue of 30 lol.

The issue i’m having is that everyone instantly gets into my base and steals all my loot. Even if it’s t3.

However, I want to know if this loot-hiding method is good. For example. I build a base that’s 10x10, all tier 3, and i stack the foundation around 6 high as my base before i start building walls and ceilings. A few hours before raid time, i pick up my foundations and place 6 evenly placed chests inside. Then, I cover it back up with a ceiling and 4 foundations.

Is this a viable method? I doubt people would wanna blow 5 foundations deep for ONE square when i have 100 of them lol. Seems to me it’d be impossible for them to loot me unless they 100% wipe me. Also, it’s against rules for people to foundation wipe so technically i’ve found myself a loophole :smiley:


Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t. It depends on the experience of the player and how much he wants to wipe. So give them bates, a good reason to raid light and go because it’s “enough” :wink:. Nothing is certain :man_shrugging:. Yet don’t give up, soon enough you’ll be “of the scope” if you are friendly and not toxic. Pvp with others, loosing or winning is in the game :grin:. When you feel tired stop and log in the next day, it helps a lot. The most precious is the crafters, if you cannot save your base, drink a potion and save them. One fridge must be ready with potions to change attributes and travel to jhebaal sag to escape. Make a chest to help you rebuild faster if you cannot save your base, cheers :+1:t6:.


Well depends on what server you are playing on - if it’s some private server with newbie to experienced players or maybe official server with sweaty tryhards. If You play on official then people will do anything to get edge, use any available tool / feature / bug - in this case they can just go out of render distance, come back and chests will render first before foundations so they can easily see where they are.

It also depends on how long raid window is.

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Depends on how smart the raiders are. If they full wipe you, then it’s lost 100%.

On Exiled Lands you have these giant towers to build in:

People usually build the base with it’s production at this location:

The green squares mark hiding holes, that you can use to store loot. You can actually climb inside there and place chests. Then seal it off with a foundation. Before raid days, you can lock all your valuables inside there.


I would say either the above, or have small loot stashes around the map. If you can farm enough to have excess this is good, if you and need to hide everything in your base id pick a spot make a large base across multiple tiers, pick a spot right on top the ground and put a cieling over it, if they can find it in 4 hours, your doing something wrong or are seriously out gunned.

However he must start building the anchor first. Building first the tower and then the anchor does not work always and purges are spawning inside the building which is not so convenient. I was a new player in pvp servers and I builded on a tower. My climbing “meters” was OK, but the purge got me distracted, I forgot to remove elevator and the purge managed to break a couple fences. 3 lovely guys came through my purge to send me naked in desert :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Solo pvp is difficult, prepare to loose a lot to gain knowledge :wink:.


I can’t reiterate this enough. It takes a different kind of person to solo.


Nahh, solo pvp in the beginning of this journey is the only way. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it took me more than 5 months gaming until I clan with a guy. My very first pvp clan mate was Igor, a really good guy, yet my pve manice got him tired of me and he gently run away :rofl::rofl::rofl:

LOL. Yeah I remember when my clan mates were at my base going on about displaying my legendary gear on the walls. They asked me “why?”, which I said’ to admire the collection’. They then proceeded to tell me I was the first person they met to do that in PVP. Which of course I was like…“so I just hide a bunch of cool stuff so no one enjoys it? Yeah I don’t think that’s right. I’m not using these so they go on the wall to enjoy them as decoration”

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Dontcha mean a loothole?

The trick is to have no loot to steal – my suggestion that seemed to work for me is to make a target base full of nothing but pain, then hide your gear in a nondescript hole somewhere. If you must base, please look at Dave’s inspiration. Listen to @stelagel and always tether UP, and hear this too: build your purge base on the doorstep of your server enemy.

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Good method is place you cheats inside wedge foundations( exploit?) this hides them very well and most people won’t think to blow up wedge foundations especially if you have them in more than one spot around your base

Can I introduce you to the post bomb dupe era where chests and vaults full of explosives exists? Full on/ground level wipes are pretty prevalent now. Its how I lost a good chunk of my consolidated stores. They wiped it down to only one piece of fence foundation was left.

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That’s like getting burgled, then realizing they went through your fridge too.

When we could take foundies out with steel weps, we would go block by block until it was completely empty. Points were made, feelings were hurt.

Yes I’m very aware of the damage done by the dupe. Now that it’s over the wedges do still work

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