Isle of siptah tomorrow

Just four more hours!

It’s almost here! :partying_face: :palm_tree: :pineapple: :pizza:


Yes, but if the update 2.4.4 does not come out first,it’s impossible ti play … Can’t you get it out a few hours earlier than Siptah,please? I saw that it’s 102gb so meanwhile we download it and we are ready for Siptah😊

Update will be 102gb?!?! That means with my bambus connection i’ll be able to play tomorrow :sob:

For Xbox Is 102gb

I have to work today Thursday about 5 am for me now have 4 day weekend. Internet at this house will be busy.


O.o pero eso es el juego completo o la Actualizacion¿? :smiley: no creo que nos vengan a dar un Parche de tantos GB, En PC apenas son 4Gb de actualizacion…

Just a general question: Will there also be new things on the main CE island? Or only new things in Siptah?


Go have a look at 2.4 notes everything is listed that is new for the CE.

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Ok, so basically the new relgion and new feats? What feats?


Isle of siptah is now avaiable at ps store 20eur

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I live in Belgium , local time is now 14:12
pm. Still no sign of Siptah :thinking:

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The dlc is in the store, but the update is not



Its 56.105GB for me on ps4 Conan Exiles: Version 1.66. Would of been nice to get this a day befor siptah cause now I can’t play it tell the patch is done


Has it been released in all regions?
I can’t find it in the PS Asian store.

I dont understand why this patch is so large after the one we got that was 86 GB’s

When you play you will understand why it weighs so much, it is because they have done an incredible job. The island is a really good job!

I bet but concole wouldn’t have to go through this if they would of keep us up to date like they did PC

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