Issue Setting up Dedicated Server via Launcher on Ubuntu 20.04

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and want to play on a private server with a friend who uses Windows10 (no luck playing through co-op - stuck on “attempting to join”). I am using a custom Proton build (6.21-GE-2) to run the game itself as other options did not work.

I have BattleEye installed however I am still unable to connect to server’s which require BattleEye.

I have failed in trying to set up the server without the steam client by using wine, creating another user and installing dependencies.

I am able to get the dedicated server running via the steam launcher and I can connect from my own machine via Direct Connect by providing the correct IP/Port. However, my friend is unable to connect and the server is not listed among the other dedicated servers from the in-game menu.

Hast Du Ports in Deinem Router freigegeben ?