For goodness sakes, can you fix that damn ‘claim all’ button and give it an ‘are you bloody sure’ pop up?
If you go into claims and claim one item you get a pop up asking if you’re sure you want to claim it.
Accidentally hit ‘claim all’ and boom, your inventory is packed full of crap you’ll never use on your level 80 or stuff you’ve already claimed because it doesn’t pop up an ‘are you really sure’ option?
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve hit that button by accident.
I support this, and also want to point out: many other critical decision links/buttons that have no Yes/No confirmation pop-up in game.
Examples: Right-click Remove from raid, Leave (button in Guild Management, insta kicking character from guild), Remove group from Raid right next to loot options in Raid menu, the new Right-click Report option that many used in error (no description pop-up for what it does added).