It's Conan Exiles FOURTH Anniversary, shouldn't we get 4x harvest?

I mean we have a lot of rebuilding to do after the… you know. :slight_smile: 2x is cool and all and we appreciate it. 4x would have been a proper event and attracted lots of new players and those that had been pushed off servers the last month with all the shenanigans.

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i can see it now -click- full, fill up horse. click- full -fill up thrall. Click- full- cant move. :rofl:


not a problem, with a little inventory managment skills lol


I can see this getting increasingly more problematic over the next 6 years…


Lol i think it would be cool for the number in front of the x to match the number conan has been out :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on 10 years everybody! Enjoy Exploding trying to mine stone!

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ROTFLMAO!!! yup!

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We’ll just transform into snails for the 10th anniversary and carry our base on our backs.

PvP would become a sluggish affair…

:snail: :crossed_swords: :snail:


Desert World and recently Volcanoid, mobile bases, i will try in the future :laughing:

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I played on a PvE server that was 10x. It wasn’t that bad. It actually made it kinda fun. It was very different for sure. You almost don’t need chests. :wink: Need 3000 grasses? Step just outside your base and hit 5 bushes. It changed the balance dramatically. You could just do what you wanted without thinking about farming. Cut 10 trees and 3 boulders and all your focus can be on building your base - instead or managing materials and stuff.


@TeleTesselator ugh i wish at least ONE official was like that! That sounds fun


I’ve had a great deal of fun being able to play with those numbers in single player. Sometimes I tried a 10x game. Other times, I tried a .75x and even .5x game. Sometimes I’d leave the harvest high but drop the XP to almost nothing. Funcom did a great job allowing players to set up games in lots of different ways. And that translates to server admins being able to set up entire servers for a specific type of Conan Exiles game.


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