Just to recap some forum posts that have been showing up

Thank you for the detailed response! I really appreciate it.

So overall it seems that it got much better than the dumpster fire it was during launch, but still not “amazing”? At least thats what i got from reading.

Looks like a fun game to joke around with friends and level up together, but if you try to take it too seriously the flaws start to show up and eat away the enjoyment.

Thats the way i’m currently seeing Genshin impact, that new gacha game that launched recently. Its fun when you start since you get a ton of new things to do, but once you go past that the things that tie the game together start to fall apart due to being too simple or flawed. But playing it casually for fun, its still good :smiley:

You dont really see happy people lurking around the forums.

(i am speaking from my own experience now)

I Made this Account when the forums were made( give or take a few days ) and have not been checking them out up until the 2.0 release.

You may ask why…answer is simple…i took all changes Funcom Made as they were(i hardly doubt that the changes they make to the game are only player feedback) and played the game with the goods and the bad. I have quitted playing official Servers and went to private Servers in Order to avoid griefing/cheating/offline raiding. By moving away from official Servers my game breaking Problems were gone…

You might add here also the hours someone invests in the game and because of a bad patch, or the Server admin messed up his database, they lost all their Progress…we are all aware of what could happen as long Mods are involved, sowntime


First and foremost, if you cant make a better game, you at least need to respect those who do make the product you are criticizing before doing it.

Second, you need to understand why it is done the way it is done, what are the steps involved in doing so. It is easy to ask a car maker why they cant make a self driving flying car that wont crash. It is very easy to demand someone to do what you have no idea how can be done, and criticize someone for not being able to do as you desire, something you cant do yourself. It is a sign of respect to acknowledge the work someone do before criticizing it. You dont need to “white knight it”, but you damn sure need to respect it.

Third, if this was a solo game made for one player to play alone, EVEN SO, it would not be a reason to demand it to be what YOU think it should be.

One recent post was made talking about the darkness/bright of Siptah. Some people like it dark, some people like it bright, and it will never fully satisfy these people because each want conflicting things. It is not the obligation of the devs to meet both demands all the time, but it is civil to understand all players want to take part in a game they will enjoy. So demanding something because you think it is just has no bearing. Just is a concept that varies from people to people. Technical issues might be object of radical criticism, as something not working is absolutely not working, and that not working is universal, even so, it is still part of a whole work that works, and should be treated that way: With respect.


This is why I quit playing SWTOR, and then why I quit playing Fo76.

and customers ar just an illusion. If you took their money they develop to butterflies and fly away in circles to the moon. Also a way to see customers. Usually not the view of companies which exist for long.
Up to now only Fatshark turning down “war of the roses” server leaving the community with no chance playing the game anymore was under my list of betrayal compaynies, never buy. Fool me once, never fool me twice. If this is the official opinion of Funcom (which also begins with F, like many words that are now in my mind) I think I have a second candidate. As the Communication of Funcom is atm like that of a dead fish laying on a chinese slaughter table, the company has a good chance.

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