Knocking out your FIRST Thrall from the Wild Surge

Players often complain that it’s impossible to knock out one first Thrall from the Wild Surge if you play solo. I’ve found rather long but not so hardcore way to do it.

First of all, get yourself a decent battle Follower. Island Lynx will go, they are rather tanky, even ordinary ones.

You don’t have to look for a kitten in the wild, just farm Gold, make 200 Gold Coins, SWIM all the way north to the Outcast Camp and buy it. It’s completely safe even on lvl 1 for today.

When your Follower is ready “take it on a short leash” (select the shortest attack and chase distance) and go to the nearest Wild Surge. Aggro them on yourself and let your Follower kill them all - except an Archer. Archers tend to kite so if you don’t chase them they are safe from your Follower. After all select a passive state for your Follower and chase this only survived Archer to knock him/her out. Here he/she is, your FIRST human Thrall on this island.


You can also lure them away from their “spawn point”, when they get far enough they’ll run back, but if you have hit one of them they’ll keep following you for a bit more so just whack the one you want and let the others reset. And then repeat until you have them all.

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It’s very easy once you unlock Blunted Arrows. Simply stand on a nearby rock, or build a foundation, and just knock them all out.
Archers do not do that much damage so you can just tank it and knock them out first.

But this is another reason I would like to see the Wild Surge NPC start to wander around rather than just stand still in a group. It makes no sense they would just drop out of the sky and be like ‘welp… I guess this is our life now… no point moving’.


There is a very chaotic randomness with the wild surges. Often, when I arrive, they are already fighting the local beasts. Last time they had an orb- thrower who killed the whole bunch with friendly fire, while they were surrounding a bat.


This happened to me too, I was tanking them with the shield and the crazy orb guy had the awesome idea of throwing 4 or 5 orbs on his friends.

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Thank you for bringing this up. A lot of us felt that it is not ideal to have orb-throwers as long as they kill their friends. Hopefully, with more people we can drive the point home.

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