Yeah but you cannot (the game is unable to) distinguish between a structure made to place an open maproom or a stair to access obelisk (for example the Dredge obelisk is unusable until some players do a stairs) and a base.
I’m sorry the situation on your server is that.
But the first question it jumps on my mind is: where was all other players when this guy did all of this things ?
For example on our server there is a troll named Bee who’s using bosses to attack bases and loot the thralls defending them (or farming Keys is defences win against the boss).
Our solution was to 2 heigh wall all the bosses, so they continue to spawn, are accessible to all players to fight with them, but they can’t follow players pircing them with low dmg arrows around the map.
This solution will be unusable with your suggestion, but that’s not my point.
My point is another.
Bee did a way of sandstone foundations to prevent us from blocking one of the bosses, so I had to build a 2 heigh wall around all the area of Sandscour Pass to block him.
To build this little wall around an area not even so big I spent from 8 of the morning to 18 o’ clock of last saturday.
How many time used your YOG to do what he did ? Where was all other players and why they didn’t stop him ?
I’m sorry but my point is in certain servers that kind of things happens because players do not care about.
I assure you is easier to stop a wall maker than to build a wall.
The weapons in the arsenal of caring peoples are the same of the trolls.
You can take away those weapons, and you can think it’s okey it works… but it’s not.
First because people NEED infrastructures all around the map but no one will build them if they are limited in what they can build.
But the game is totally unable to distinguish what is what, and that “bed mechanincs” is pointless, because a normal way to play, like having an outpost near each obelisk and a wheel of pain outside each faction capital for a total of 12-16 outposts per clan will be impossible.with it.
Second building is one of the best joy in this game, and that is the base of our 2 active peoples clan.
With your suggestion if I am a troll I will not even build a true house, but a shelter like 2x2 full of chest and with a bed at min distance from a player base, than from that shelter I’ll begin to enwall it buring the clan alive in his own house until it decay and I’ll loot them (I play PvE-Conflict) before taking all things, destroying all and passing to do the same to the next base like a parasite.
Or I’ll doing the Bee’s tactics without other players being able to stop me, looting their thralls and killing their pets.
Your suggestion is designed just to punish one troll wich was totally stoppable is someone had the will to stop him.
But your suggestion would take away our weapons to take care of other trolls types and playing our game.