Legendary weapons... unrepairable in the Age of War?

At level 20 with 20 strength you can two-shot (heavy attacks) skeletons, cimmerians, everyone in asagarth, and elephants with any of the legendary 2h hammers, also heavy attacks apply 2 stacks of sunder. Maybe you have not noticed but most human NPCs now have armor ratings that almost match what they are wearing. I’m not going to give my opinions on what or how you should play, but those are facts.

If you are referring to their unusability as far as the narrow range of the attacks and slow animations, the devs are working on way to change direction in swings after they have been started and this will be very good for 2h hammer.

2h legendary chest hammers:
bec de corbin - agility 2h
baal-pteors lodestone - weightless 2h
sledge of slotha - applies cripple AND sunder
forgelight - gives off passive light (not so cool after the nightlight changes)
hanumans gada - 96 base damage with 1.5 stam cost

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Don’t forget the hammer of the whale. It has significantly lower damage, but you can get it from a chest without even needing a key, under the black galeon. It’s not a rare spawn, unless things changed in the next update.

Incorrect. The playerbase has been asking for them to be made stronger, not rarer, and thus making them more powerful than crafted weapons again, just as they were in the first 6 months of the games release. Before players started to cry that ‘this hitstick hits too hard; we need nerfs!’.

Or we can keep a tried true and tested system, which does not invalidate years worth of the players work, and thus adhere to the wisdom of: “if it is not broken, do not attempt to fix it”.


You can. With mods.

Just not Age of War in its vanilla form.

I read some topics and i disagree, there for i will have to present some facts.
Please by all means, this is not bragging or anything like it, it’s just how much dedication you can give so you’ll gain anything you need.

Forgive me @Talyna!
First because i am using again this example.
So my fellow exile @Talyna created an outstanding roleplay story for me with the challenge to obtain the blade of the seven winds. I did this challenge in an official server. The number of the dragons you’ll see under was slayed in more or less 18 hours solo, without a thrall, not even an upgraded weapon, the first four with an iron katana and the rest with a star metal katana.
What dropped and the number is on the photo

So, is there really a really difficult drop? The truly answer is no! But!!!
Is the slot machine system correct? Definitely NO!
That’s another conversation however!
They made the first step to make legendary weapons more legendary than ever. Now the next correct step is to give us the chance to obtain them with skill not luck!


Probably one of the most insightful things said in the thread thus far.


Give Bella a sword and some undies to keep her dignity and she is unstoppable!


@stelagel , you’re not the average gamer, mate. :wink:
I do agree with what you said, though.

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If I understand the dev stream properly you can repair them. They just lose max durability when you do.

Good for every alpha tribe . Now we even gain more powert :joy: well done funcom :heart:

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And rest assured that I shall do the same. Look Stelagel, I like you, you are one of my dearest friends here on the forum. But there are many parts of this post which I fundamentally disagree with, and I will be presenting my own counter arguments.

I am sorry but this is not based the average time required to aquire a specific legendary weapon, it is based purely on your own subjective experience which is not generalisable. And from but a single run at that. That sort of grotesquely good fortune is the exception, NOT the norm. More like the extreme outlier. But hey, don’t take my word for it, take your own:

Furthermore, that is but one end of the spectrum. So speaking of subjective experiences, would you like to hear mine?

  • Sword of Crom- took me 5 months of intensive farming to find one.
  • Last Breath of the Red Mother- took me 1 year to obtain one
  • Glimmermoon- finally got one earlier this year. So some 4 years to farm one!
  • Reach of the Red Mother- have still never managed to secure one!

If you do not believe me, go over my post history and find discussions I have had with long gone members regarding my efforts. And this leads to my final point for discussion.

I beg your pardon but I politely disagree. And frankly this strikes as either an attempt to silence opposition discourse, and discourage what has been calm and well reasoned debate from one of both sides. The way I see it this is perfectly relevant as the proposed changes are/will be directly responsible for magnifying that slot machine mechanic and forcing players to replay it over, and over, and over, and over again. Thus perpetuating the problem people with drop stats such as my own have, and making legendary weapons less attractive, not more, and invalidating the months, even years of hard work members have put into procuring them. Therefore, I firmly believe that this change is not in the best interest of the playerbase or the game I love.

The point is that I am utterly and fundamentally opposed to making legendary weapons unrepairable, and I will not be backing down on this issue! So apologies, but I feel it is a perfectly reasonable discussion for this thread. But I will ask @prologue1337 as it is their thread. If prologue would like me to refrain from discussing this here and move along, I will out of repect and courtesy as it is their thread. But otherwise, time to accept that this is a multifaceted issue which carries far reaching ramifications, and be prepared to listen to other peoples perspectives, as opposed to decrying them being not relevant when they are all inextricably linked.


I have not been playing the AoW beta but I have been following the posts from those who have. The one change that really has me concerned is unrepairable legendary weapons. I’ve been playing for a few months and have been recently trying to get the Blade of Seven Winds (BoSW) because I really like Katana swords. I could fill a hunting lodge with dozens of mounted Red Mother heads but I’ve still haven’t got the elusive BoSW. I’m hoping to get it before the AoW update because I will probably quit trying after update since it will be a waste of time trying to get something that is temporary. If I happen to get one after the update it is immediately getting mounted on the wall never to be used.

With that said, I like the concept of making legendary weapons powerful and unrepairable. They should stand out above all other weapons but this is balanced by being for a limited time. They become a powerful yet temporary boost that you use when you need it the most. What I don’t like is the randomness of getting specific legendary weapons from Boss drops like the BoSW mentioned above. Unrepairable legendary weapons from skeleton keys / chests are fine since you are guaranteed a legendary weapon each time. You never know when you will get another boss drop legendary weapon (or the first one in my case).

Unrepairable legendary weapons and random boss drops are a really, really, really bad idea (I hope the developers know this). They will turn these weapons into prizes never to be used. Like I already mentioned, if I get a BoSW after the update I will never use it and it will collect dust on my wall. I’ve been thinking about this issue and have come up with three ideas where legendary weapons can be unrepairable and you don’t have to deal with random drops.

First, separate categories for legendary weapons and rare weapons. Legendary weapons come from the skeleton chests. Make these powerful and unrepairable. Rare weapons come from boss drops. Make these repairable and keep the same stats are make them slightly less powerful than legendary.

Second make legendary weapons really hard to repair. First you have to dismantle another legendary weapon into a “legendary repair material”. Then you place the legendary weapon you want to repair and the “legendary repair material” into a T3 black smith bench with T4 Tempersmith. Then it takes a long time to actually repair the legendary weapon. About as long as it takes to break a T4 thrall or even longer. Legendary weapons are technically repairable but you have to go through a process and it takes time so they will be unavailable for a period.

Third get rid of random boss drops and introduce crafting material. This is similar to armor scraps and Godbreaker or Champion armor. I will use BoSW and the Red Mother as an example. Killing the Red Mother will give you “Red Scales”. For the sake of this example let’s say 10 – 15 per kill. You can then buy the BoSW from a merchant for 50 “Red Scales”. The merchant will sell all the Red Mother drops like the Final Breath of The Red Mother for 100 “Red Scales”. This takes most of the randomness out getting the BoSW. The only random part is how many Red Mothers you need to kill to get enough “Red Scales”. I wouldn’t be afraid to use the BoSW even if it is unrepairable since I have a predicable mechanic for getting another one.

With these 3 ideas, I like the third one the most. It gets rid of random drops which is something I hate to begin with. It is also similar to something already in the game, armor scraps and Godbreaker or Champion armor. I really enjoyed farming the War Maker dungeon and killing the Arena Champion and the War Maker Champion for armor scraps. I made some GodBreaker armor and I know one day I will have to farm more armor scraps to repair it. Do the same with the Red Mother and the Blade of Seven Winds.

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This is a feedback forum. I gave feedback. The change is not a good thing, if it trivializes the legendary weapons, meaning it has the opposite effect of what the devs want.


Only normal weapons and other rarity types.

Legendary weapons and unique weapons cannot be repaired in any way.

Read patch notes here:

Feel free to disagree brother :blush:. Before i start i will have to inform you that the posts i happen to disagree was not yours :wink:. Your experience comes from single player and all the years that passed in this game. My result was from official servers the past months.
(When i went online i didn’t knew 80% of the legendary weapons this game had, 80%.) On single player i played about 6 months alone before i go online thinking that i knew the game… Apparently not and i am still learning :rofl:.
You’ll ask me now, is there a difference between online gaming and single player?
Yes my dear brother, there is.
Because i play online that doesn’t mean that i quit single player too. Single player lacks of metric spawns in many things and metric drops again. So the time frames you mentioned for gaining these drops are really true. So when it comes to PlayStation and single player, you will always find a statement from me… PlayStation needs some love…

So i believe the first part of misunderstanding is solved, let’s see the rest!

This is true. I was ill with high fever in my bed when i was doing this challenge. The night before i went to meet the red Mother low leveled with an iron katana. It took me almost 2 hours to kill 4 dragons. So i took some fragments, i opened the chat of the server and i find a person who would trade fragments with explosive arrows. I took the explosive arrows and went north. To the root of the mountain just before i go to our fellow outcast giant it had 2 beautiful rocks, i needed just one. So i took the star metal and i killed a few bosses on the way to go 60 and gain the ability to fix star metal weapons. It went 2 after midnight so i felt tired and sleep, but the best was that the fever retreated and with the help of this game my pillow went light and i fell asleep.
The next day the fever was higher, i didn’t had appetite to eat anything, just a tea so i started the machine again. I started playing… I didn’t understand how the time passed but somewhere about 7 o’clock in the evening the blade finally dropped. When i went back to my base i witnessed the number of the dragons i slayed, 31! Not to mention that sometimes other players were coming through my fight and i was leaving the mother 200hp before she dies, after all it was an official server, the mother was not there just for me :man_shrugging:.
But yes my dear friend, nothing normal here, i totally agree!

It’s not a lie! It’s not my first time i ever did this kind of farming but it’s the only one i could prove because of the circumstances! But from all times i ever did it the reach and the helmet was always the most difficult drop, at least for me. But as you’ ll see in the photo, in the server i enter to do just this and remove my bracelet, i gained 2 helmets :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Ain’t luck a ■■■■■. So no lies, a double drop on the reach is extremely rare, that’s why i said to Taemien that he was very lucky.

Now about the rng system…
I do understand why people support it, i really do, i am not a heartless or a mindless person, i have flesh and bones like anybody else. I remember finding Yogs touch and cheering in the microphone. @MarcosC asked me wondering why am i happy to find this trash. Well i don’t know, i am always happy to find something because of this rng system. It’s made this way to make you feel happy even when you find bull…t. So i do understand why people support this idea. But…
Imagine if there was a way to gain the legendary you seek with skills, wouldn’t this be awesome?
You know, you teached me one really beautiful thing in here…
The more options you have the best it is…
I happen to agree with my Crom brother :sunglasses:.
Plus, the slot machines is a rented expression from another brother here, introductions are not necessary. He was right about the lava deaths to thralls and he is right about slot machines too. When i see something that i agree i follow it, shoot me :laughing:.

I am not against any opinion, neither yours neither @prologue1337, have no doubts! I just share My gaming experience, which is not normal and i totally agree. Yet the one without sins can first lift a stone.
Love you guys!

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So here is my biggest question. Does legendary gear really impact play so much that the game loses its fun factor? I mean in all seriousness, is it legendary gear being made temporary that is the problem or is it the collective veteran gear builds require them? I’m leaning the later here because I have been too dependent on legendary gear I get.

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Do you only open a skeleton key chest once every six months?

Being an extreme outlier is not being a liar, @stelagel ! :smile:
It’s a statistical term for a result that falls very far from the medium.
That’s called an outlier. What he is saying is that you got extraordinarily lucky.
If you saw the Black Hand Captain I just captured, you would see she is an extreme outlier in terms of her looks. She’s stunning! Probably the best I ever captured. I’m on my way to the jungle with her. :blush:


Nah… you can do fine with crafted weapons.
But we don’t like to lose extremely rare items, that’s all.
I already suggested that such rare items should have a perk of sorts called unbreakable. They wouldn’t break, period. However, I do prefer the suggested alternative of being abble to repair them through a long process. I prefer that, actually.

And why can you do fine with crafted weapons. Because what matters is ttk per weapon. This has a lot of factors involved. The human skill, luck, animation lenght, status effects, number of hits needed to kill, etc.
It’s all very fluid to assert that this item will definitely guarantee a faster kill than that other one when we are talking about minor differences in raw damage.

Mostly, what matters us the hand that holds the weapon and not the weapon itself.

Ok, 1.5 stamina cost, on a Maul…
Who can use this?
BFHs already guzzle stamina, even on full Grit builds.
While in concept, having a Two-Handed Hammer that is sorta like the Sword of Crom is a good idea, in practice, unless this one missed an alteration to the move set, it’s not going to work out as well.

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