Game mode: Online private Modded Server !
List of Mods:
Improved Quality of life
Arena Pier
Warrior Mutator for Conan Exiles
Item stat remover for warrior mutator
No balance Changes for warriror Mutator
No potion/Tonic for warrior mutator
Admin Skelos Collector for Warrior Mutator
Less Building Placement Restrictions
Type of issue: Bug Misc Server type: PvP
Hello Funcom team, i have tamed 4 Lions now 2 normal and 2 greater ones. They all had verly low stats of 0-1 at the beginning but the problem is thier damage in thier UI the damage is listet as 0 !
I leveld one greater Lion up to test if the damge would increse now the lion is at lvl 13 and still has 0 damage in the UI.
The lion itself is making damage when it hits an enemy. Humans in the City of Asgard for around 70-90 per hit.
This damage output stayed the same from lvl 1 -13. While it levelt up it gained Strength up to 15 points.
I don’t know if they are intended to be this weak but for me this looks like a bug.
It also only has 2900 HP witch seems a bit low for a greater Lion.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Tame a Lion
Look at its UI and statts. write down its damage output
Level it UP and look it the UI and damage output changes.
While your attention is on Greater lions. I would like to broaden this to many pets.
I’d like to point out that there is a significant base armor difference between Greater Tigers and Greater Lions that I’m not sure is intended.
I would’ve thought they would have similar but that was not the case. Perhaps some are a victim of RNG but surely the difference can’t be 200+ armor.
Several of the Greater Animals seem to have inconsistent stats. The Greater Hyena for example starts with 300 Armor and this is significantly more than a Greater Elephant. Just to highlight an example. Granted I tested from a small pool.
I’m not sure if this requires a bug report really. Just want to bring attention to something odd I suppose.
Thank you for you Replay Ignasis .
As you asked i testet it just now in singleplayer without mods!
Yes the Lions and greater Lions still have 0 Damage in the UI both are newly tamed.
Same here. I tamed two lions yesterday. Both have 0 Damage after I placed them. I have tested the lions. Both make damage against enemies, so maybe it is just a display bug.