List of bugs after the patch... add to it as found

We did the Serpent Men Boss fight last night the Boss doesn’t appear on his throne but his ghosts attack and everything plays through but no Boss to loot Shining Trapezoidon.
Also Pressing E to exit inventory of containers or dead bodies doesn’t work you have to press ESC or I.

Fatal error: [File:C:\UE4\CSAND\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp] [Line: 435]
Unknown code token 30
AB_human_female_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BasePlayerChar_C_0.CharacterMesh0.AB_human_female_C_0
Function /Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_human_male.AB_human_male_C:HandleInvetorySwitch:00AF
Script call stack:
Function /Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_human_male.AB_human_male_C:WeaponBlendspaceEquip
Function /Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_human_male.AB_human_male_C:HandleInvetorySwitch

Happens as soon as a weapon is drawn. I tested after my friend complained of it. We both have this same bug. We hadn’t played since the patch. It was easy to replicate. I logged in. Made a stone sword and drew it. Instant crash.

Any mods?

This also happens to me with the inventory of dead NPCs.
But I can close it with ‘E’ if I leave something in the NPC’s inventory.
I CAN NOT close it with ‘E’ if I take ALL things from the NPC’s inventory.

PC, private server, no mods

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Hi OnlyMonika,

Is that issue happening while you and your friend play on a locally hosted server, on a private server or on an official server? Are you both using any mods?


You cant Farm starmetall when building damage is not aktivated on pve servers

Official 1504, pve. Volcano Terrace of tenders area.

Performer spawned next to the cook. Male, naked with white hair. All it said over him was [performer] and nothing else. He knocked out in one hit. Dragged to wheel and when placed on wheel it was an unnamed bag icon. He converted in 5 seconds and still shows as unnamed bag icon in my inventory. when mousing over it brings up an empty box. Cannot place him either.

Holding down shift to split into smaller stacks, only converts into 50/50 stacks no matter what number you input in the split window.

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I can, but they said they were fixing starmetal nodes that would not crack open properly and that still has not happened. About 1/3 of all my nodes do not crack open after several explosive jars. No change from before the patch for me.

(Vanilla+ all dlc’s)

Can’t climb up edges, will fall down and die as … i cannot grab the walls sliding/falling down.
(Its random, but the not beeing able to climb edges is permanent)

Thanks again, a well tested update.

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It happens in single player and on Co-op.

I’m not using that particular mod. I am using mods just not that one. I’ve been combing through the workshop community seeing if anyone else was having this issue but haven’t run into it yet.

One or more of your mods could cause that crash. I would remove them all and and do a single player test, adding them back in until you find the culprit.

I’m not getting xp from crafting in stations, crafting from the inventory menu, or cooking :sob:

RIP getting to lvl 60!

Hey there,

As @Multigun mentions, it could be very well possible that a pesky mod is causing those crashes. Could you try to remove all of them and see if you still experience that issue? Some mods require some time after a patch to be updated by the author to be compatible with the new build.

We aware of an issue preventing XP to be awarded normally when crafting T3 structures. Would that be the case for you, or is all crafting that does not award you the corresponding XP?


@Ignasi I’ve just checked the following and getting no xp.

Firebowl Cauldron: Yellow Lotus Potion, Alchemical Base, Stone Consolidant
Armorers Bench: Flawless Heavy Pauldron, complete Flawless Kambujan set
Artisans Bench: Stone Throne, Large Crate
Blacksmith’s Bench: Hardened Steel Pick, Steel Reinforcement
Furnace: Ironstone to Iron Bar

Inventory: Black Ice-Reinforced Wooden Foundation, Black Ice-Reinforced Wooden Stairs Corner, Aquilonian Foundation, Coarse Tunic (does this even give xp?!)

Of course, I’m not sure how much xp any of that is supposed to give exactly, but I seem to remember those activities giving xp in the past. Hope this helps!



Thank you for your time. I have updated our notes on this case with your thorough input. We will look into it and hopefully find the culprit soon.
Keep up the good work!


Losing things in inventory, right in front of my eyes. I moved a shield to a fighter thrall’s off hand and the mace in his main hand vanished.
Last night I dragged a piece of rotten meat from the wheel of pain and the thrall I was training vanished!

Map room materials blank and can not craft it after learning it.

My thrall fell through the floor of my base. I can see her head slightly but she lives there now.

I tried to free her by removing a floor piece. Then I realized she moved under another floor piece.

Do I have to unpave my base to get her?

Also sometimes my Tigers, wolves and other creatures go all derpy and stick their heads into the ground