Living Settlements to be temporarily disabled on Official servers

finally… just out of curiosity, why did you guys let this update happen so early? you knew about this 0,0,0 issue from the beta test. some kind of plan you can’t miss? update on time and no matter what happens? i don’t get it…


I appreciate that information. Need to check on my server. Are private servers be affected as much as official?


you do a good summary of what is very hard to understand, and all that to create so huge problems… would have been far more better to not break the core things, and add more characters questline…

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Private ones can turn that feature off, I know I have on both servers and I think most admins have done that too.

The idea was good, but beside losing thralls, they are everywhere but at there stations and more so the rules on who goes where is out the window too.

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Best thing that is made by this new update YEeee

Really wasn’t apparent on the beta server. At first we had fighters and archers coming off the wheel and vanishing. They some how fixed that, but I never lost a thrall to the 0,0,0 bug. Some did, I went to 0,0,0 to check and found 2 thralls. Both ran off and vanished. But there was a thrall that just floated there.

I’m of the opinion this wasn’t so much an issue on the beta because it was broken. Lively villages broke almost immediately for me, and I didn’t mind. But my thralls may not have been hit by the 0,0,0 bug because they weren’t wandering.

I was on for a bit yesterday trying to confirm something, and when I was looking at this quaint walled village. Then I saw a thrall vanish walking to the well. So I stood there a while longer and saw another vanish heading to the well. Then the next 3 came and went with out issue.

Would really like to see funcom make more good decisions and in a more timely manor. Lively villages should have been turned off last Friday{18th}.

This is very much like closing the barn door after the cows got out, and headed for the next state.


Thanks Andy, that was a good decision (although slightly overdue, but better late then never :slight_smile: ). That said, any ETA when you are going to fix the dysfunctional delving bench?

Do not take this the wrong way but why is everyone thanking Funcom for turning off THEIR broken living settlements.

They should have turned it off the first day when it was broken instead of allowing this to go live when it was tested and reported broken while it was on test live. How many of you have lost thralls you took weeks to find and now just gone because they did not hold it back and fix it before release.

Its great they turn it off now so the whole community does not lose all their thralls for can not remember how many times we have lost our hard hunted Thralls, do none of you hold them reasonable for this every update breaking yet again but if you did notice they had time to push new outfits out yesterday but no fix.

I love this game and have so many hours in it over the years but these broken updates every single one is broken is some way is just frustrating and most of the reason so many people have moved on to new games. So again why thank them for fixing what THEY put out broke.


Do they open the doors if there’s nothing for them to interact with outside? I disabled all of the seatings from them but for example the cart had one as well where they’d go and lean against it. Once i noticed and disabled that they stopped going out. Also atleast some braziers have an interaction for them as well.

I turned off my well, wop, and bench outside. My thralls stopped opening doors. I also turned off my thrall pot which was inside but causing thralls to glitch thru walls. I also turned off my bed which was causing thralls to glitch with a dancer I had lying there. After doing that, I’ve lost fewer, but still some, thralls. But they don’t open doors. Some of my thralls just disappear while working at internal benches.

The best solution for the wandering thrall issue would be to add a locking mechanism on doors. You’ve installed thrall use options for bunch of other items, can’t be that hard to install it on the doors as well.


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles pvp pve pve-c

Sempre nos finais de semana para evitar a dor de cabeça dos problemas :sweat_smile:

Entendi, vão deixar os trabalhadores mais burros :crazy_face:
…Bem que avisei XD

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I’m sad to hear this, because I loved the new update. But of course I understand that bug fixes are necessary.

I’m still playing simultaneously in PVE on an official server and in single player on my Xbox One (in single player I’ll keep the new Age of Heroes features active).

I also have to say that I would LOVE to see a similar update for the Pets (live Pets running around the base with new animations would be great for this gray-haired kid building a farm in the Exile lands).

Well, that’s it. Great job to the Exiles involved in the project and in the fixes that will be necessary to make as many players happy as possible (as many as possible, because it’s impossible to please everyone).

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Turning it off Living Settlements has been a right move, maybe a too delayed decission, imho.
I will take out the chests those T4 workers which I have duplicates so when the Living settlements be enabled again if ‘something weird’ happens again it wont be a big deal for me.
I have only one T4 bladesmith, such thrall will remain inside the chest. It took me months to get it I prefer lossing some extra damage and armor penetration points if I need to craft new weapons than losing that valuable thrall forever.

I’ll tell the player in my server who built the rescue tower in 0,0,0 to not dismantle it yet, if possible.

I’m sorry FC, my confident on you keeps standing low along these last years


Honestly, that was somewhat expected.
This mechanic, even functional, would be more likely to be adequate for private servers which use it among known friends or open to specific communities, and solo players.
In an open server which might be populated by all kinds of players, this feature, even fully functional and perfect, is out of place. Creates something many might not like, at the cost of practicality most playing there seek.


You are right but it is such a relief to have someone finally respond and take action after banging our heads against the wall from the morning of the update. :sweat_smile:


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles patch bug

:thinking: Estão colocando o jogo na mão de estágiários enquanto estão fazendo DUNE?

:clown_face: Ainda não percebeu que isso está fazendo todos vocês trabalharem dobrado para entregar algo que não funciona?

Olha isso 6 meses para fazer algo quebrado isso aqui nem foi ajustado até hoje :face_with_monocle:

COMO não ficar bravo com isso, são mais de 1 ano que estão empurrando o jogo com a barriga :aaaaaa: no Brasil isso chama preguiça

Se eu postar todos os BUGs que já informei aqui para ajustar que ainda não fizeram nada, certeza que faz outro jogo com tantos ajustes :sleepy:

Please add to test list:
-sometimes when try rescue worker that is not visible on map but on thrall list, durning rescue attempt there is message that thrall is not aviable and then he dissapear completly
-sometimes when try rescue worker visible on map point 0,0,0 and if he was hovering in sky, after rescue worker act strange, like not react to commands, moving to its station but stand still, and hovering minimaly over ground - that mean if i place him on small platform and destroy platform that worker will stand in air

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The change was committed earlier today and will go into effect the next time the server restarts or sooner if the server crashes :V


Why test fate?