Losing an audio source causes the game to hang

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Audio
Game Mode: Any
Server Type: Any
Map: Any
Server Name: None
Mods: None

If you’re using an audio device like a bluetooth headset and it disconnects (or for some other reason you lose the current audio source), the game completely hangs and the session cannot be recovered. You have use Ctrl-Alt-Del and open Task Manager to forcibly kill the process.

If you check the logfile, it will fill with this:

[2023.03.24-22.07.27:305][852]LogAudio:Warning: Current Audio Device with ID {}.{d391ec34-3712-4fc7-81c8-1de34fa35ff7} was removed. Shutting down audio device.
[2023.03.24-22.07.27:405][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 71.061600ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.07.27:441][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 106.961304ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.07.27:477][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 142.878799ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.07.27:513][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 178.753494ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.07.27:549][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 214.630310ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.08.57:839][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 90504.898438ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.08.57:875][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 90540.242188ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.08.57:910][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 90575.359375ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.08.57:946][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 90611.382813ms for audio thread.
[2023.03.24-22.08.57:981][853]LogAudio:Warning: Waited 90646.421875ms for audio thread.

Literally thousands of lines of this, it only stops after you kill off ConanSandbox.exe.

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