PS5 Official Siptah PvE Server
Event log says lost stability followed immediately by decayed. I was at the bases when they collapsed 2 of the 3 times. After the 1st one i took a repair hammer and checked our other bases the decay timer keeps resetting to max every few seconds and only a few fence pieces were showing any damage. My clan has lost everything overnight except what was in our inventory once. And that was less stressful than losing one base at a time waiting for it to get the main base.
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Is your base close a point of interest? Some time ago they implmented a mechanic that wipe anything that could block an point of interest. To be honest i never saw it working but it could be a possibillity.
One of them was about a 20 second run from an unmarked thrall camp. But the other two there was nothing that could be seen from the bases.
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