Make ALL Items Tradeable

Make ALL items tradeable to facilitate in-game economy. You will have a MUCH happier player base by creating MORE opportunities to engage in the game environment besides PVP and Raiding… AND it will even make those more fulfulliling.

I have multiple MBA’s in Entrepeneurship and Technology & Innovation… but really… this is just basic sense.

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When they decided to lock items that where not payed is when i decided to leave the game. Dot get me worg i dont have a problem withe the bazaar or the battle pass, but this is a survival game based around killing and looting other players. When you kill some one and loot them only to be met with you are not worthy is a huge blow. I could understand not letting players repair items they cant craft this would push them to get the item from some one else(most likely from killing them). But it also hurts new players because they cant go back and unlock the items from past ages. Not being able to share gear with clan mates forced me to stop using things they could not. Making all the work i did in the fris chapter worthless.

And make shopkeeper and bartender NPCs able to sell items to other players. That’d be fun.

I can understand this.
On my server everyone was giving away items from DLCs for free including myself providing rhinos and stormglass items to everyone who did not bother with buying Siptah.
In other games premium items are also bound to the character/account in some way.

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