Missing executables

Hey there,
two or three days ago i got the game on steam… But when I’m trying to install it, I’m not able to start it 'cause some .exe files are missing (doesn’t matter if im choosing “start with battleeye”, “start without battleeye”, “install battleeye” or “uninstall battleeye”, same message); the complete “binaries” folder is empty.
I already downloaded again with deactivated antivirus and firewall and also verifed the files, without any success.
As I’ve seen, I’m not the onlyone with this problem so my question is: It there a fix or an alternative way to get the binaries-folder?


Hi there,

I was wondering if you could try the following steps to see if your issue is resolved:

Please navigate to the following location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\

Delete the “Conan Exiles” folder that you find here, and then try installing the game through Steam.

Please let me know if this does not solve the issue that you are having. Thank you!

Thanks for responding but no, same the still error - and now i dont even get a “binaries” folder… Is there away to download this folder on another way? Thats just the only missing part…

I don’t know of a way myself, but our tech specialist will be able to help. Please email in at help.funcom.com under the Tech category. They would be more than happy to help. I am sorry that I couldn’t help you directly :frowning:

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