Mod Order Help Please

Just wanted to see if my mod order is okay. It’s a bit long but there’s a slight stutter. The last time this occurred we learned that it was because there was an issue with the order.

Aquilonian Females
Less Building Placement Restrictions
Akuba’s Salon
Glass Constructions and more…
Eastern Exiles
The Age of Calamitous
Immerse RP:Placeables Decor
Impreoved Quality of Life
Stacksize Plus (DLC Compatible)
Kerozards Paragon Leveling- A Multigun Refresh
Barbarian Barber
Savage Steel
Savage Steel vol II
River Boats of the Exiled Lands
Seed Table v2
RA:Fantasy Extension
RA:Character Customization
RA:Cinnamon Candle
Accessory Wardrobe
Immersive Armor

There’s many on your list I don’t know about, but one important one that I do - Less Building Placement Restrictions needs to be at the bottom of your list. There’s a few on your list that probably can go below it (but should also be ok above it), but there’s a lot that has to be above LBPR in the list (anything that adds or changes building pieces, thralls etc has to be above LBPR).

I’m not sure with Stacksize Plus - I know that LBPR is supposed to go above Pickup+ (and that Stacksize plus also has a pickup function, so the same point may apply) - hopefully someone more familiar with that mod may have an answer.


Less Building Placement Restrictions should be bottom. Other than that your load order need to be fixed. Lets say Server customization mods are top, character customization mods on middle and building and new placable item mods on bottom and total conversation mods like AOC must be lowest.


With DonQuixote and ss4141’s Mod order model, We’ve re-ordered the list a bit. Would someone mind looking over this again to see if it looks better or worse than last time?

Current load order:

Improved Quality of Life 3.0.1 (I don’t know if this is a server customization or not)
InkArt (Tattoos)
Aquilonian Females
Akuba’s Salon
Fashionist v4.0.2
Accessory Wardrobe
Barbarian Barber
RA: Fantasy Extension
RA: Character Customization
Immersive Armor
RA:Cinnamon Candle (Candle lighting and item replace mod)
Seed Table v2
Glass Constructions and more…
Savage Steel
Savage Steel vol II
IMMERSE RP: Placables and Decor
Eastern Exiles (Decor Mod)
River_Boats_of_the_Exiled_Lands (Question about this one below)
Less Building Placement Restrictions - v7.2.1
Stacksize Plus v1.7.12 (DLC compatible)
The Age of Calamitous
The Age of Calamitous - RP Add-on
Kerozards Paragon Leveling - A Multigun Refresh - v2.2.8

Placed River Boats where it is because although it’s basically a massive decor mod, it does change certain parts of the landscape. I don’t know if this would be considered a “Total” overhaul, but it is an overhaul in the way that certain landscapes are decorated and changed.

Thanks for any help forthcoming, it’s all much appreciated!

why no Pippi Mod? No Server without Pippi ^^ (Pippi on the first place in your Order then)

Needs to go below any and all building mods, as well as mods that add thralls, pets and placeables. Move it last. I don’t know about the rest. From Multigun’s workshop page:

In that list LBPR is last on all the building mods. AOC is a complete overhaul correct? Are you saying LBPR goes below AOC? AOC does have buildings but I was told overhauls need to be completely last on the list.

I don’t run Pippi because although its a great server mod it’s not really useful on our server. I’ve used it before but it changes the interface in a way that bother us.

According to the screenshot posted above it needs to go below any mod that modifies or creates new buildings, placeables, pets or thralls and AoC does all that.

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Alright Narelle, thank you I appreciate all the help!

And thank you everyone for the help with the mod order. Will return if any issues persist.


IQOL is basically hud mod. It can stay on top unless if you add another hud mod later. Less building restrictions must be bottom. Mod author says that. Overal looks good. I strongly recommend Pippi. Without it the game is empty for me.

There’s only two of us on the server. We have used it before for thespians and the music box (for our base) but other than that it seemed a bit overwhelming to have. Is that what you are talking about when you said empty?

Well its long to explain pippi. You can create economy by yourself simply hunting npc. Give them for example %15 10 bronz coin drop. and you can create an item exchange market which sells basic material. Another market sells weapons. Another armors ect…
You can also create very complicated thespians. You can build arena basicaly set an arena master thespian to spawn an opponent for you with special reward. You can increase difficulty and reward also exp with few commands.
and finaly you can create your own custom boss or your custom npc to talk with. You can even create a quest on your own.
These are just basic things Pippi offers. You can create far more complex things. Its up to your imagination.
Anyway. Thats why i recommended. It makes your single player game alive :))

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