More land in exchange for less dungeons?

I am familiar with the various discussions on the subject and I know Funcom’s future plans for this game. That is, no map expansion and no new biomes. Instead, new dungenos will come out.

My question is simple:
Would it be possible to have an enlargement of the map and maybe a new biome in exchange for less dungeons?

I’m talking about technical feasibility.

I’m not a programmer, but it comes naturally to me to think that both the dungeons and the land occupy space (on the map and therefore on the servers) and the space is about to end.

From this easy reasoning comes the question asked above.

Could the space intended for one or more dungeons be used in exchange for more land or an expansion of existing biomes?

It would be nice to create a survey here on the forum.
I tried, but I didn’t understand how to do it. I didn’t find the instructions :slight_smile: