Nerf vault! ASAP!

the weakness of vault is its size makes you place it outdoors and also it has extremely bad storage efficiency - the same volume made up of large chest would hold like 1000x more items

Nerfing stuff is how we ended up with not being able to build a wall of Wall Palisades, because people complained about how easy it was to kite world bosses into a coral of wall palisades and then have them bleed to death because their AI was too dumb to attack the nearest thing that was damaging them. (Or in otherwords instead of buffing the stupid AI to actually do something about what was killing it, they nerfed the thing that was killing it so hard that it is now useless for it’s intended purpose: Restricting enemy movement while doing damage to any enemies that collide with it.


What about if vaults had the religion mechanic?
As in, you can’t place vaults close together in the same way you can’t place religious buildings too close together.

That should be fairly easy to implement too since the mechanic exists already.


I basically like the idea of not being able to place vaults close, but it may be a solution in search of a problem. Is there an actual problem of vaults being too close?

They are being used as walls for bases.

How does that work though? I can’t place them close enough to not leave gaps, and vaults on foundations are EZPZ to kill

indeed vaults A leave gaps ans B can be climbed over… since you cant place foundations on them. The people who use them as walls surely know that. the people who complain just need to git gud cause they cant bunny hop trough the gaps… :eyes:

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you cant place fences on them so just learn to climb?

just press and hold A (on xbox) its prettt easy…

I’m naked, does not matter. I can run and kite them to waste time.

Do you think my bed and bedroll are at the same location? Maybe it’s somewhere hidden in the grass? Or on a small mountain?

At present destroying the foundations under the vault only leaves a floating vault, we popped a coin on a base, left nothing around the vaults, they just floated all 6 of them. I am not for or against any changes to the vaults right now, I think they need to work properly, issues i see are.

  1. Right now vaults heal. If you attack one and cant crack it before raid time is over, the next day it will be almost fully healed, on its own. I know it was not repaired the clan who owned it no longer plays on the server.
  2. An attempt to crack a vault that had 16 hours before it decayed, once the first bomb went off. decay timer went up to 408 hours.
  3. Avatars don’t do enough damage to them. Mitra did around 1k damage on a direct hit, all foundations, walls and crafting stations,near by completely destroyed.

Vaults can be cracked, we did 4 of them over the weekend. We have a clan of 6 atm. Its not easy but is very possible.

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im going to put emphasis on your last sentence.

This is exactly how they are intended to work. they are MEANT to be tough sobs. They are meant to store your valuables safely. But they are NOT invincible. How easy do you think it is to bust open a safe in modern days? a 200mm thick door (which is thicker than the frontal plate armor of a german ww2 Tiger tank, which was a beast) most shells fired from tanks did NOTHING to armor that thick. (note 200mm is the average armor size of the e100 maus tank. but it is comparable to the actual visual representation of the vault. you will need a lot of explosions. So instead of nerfing the vault maybe upgrade explosives. make them more expensive but much much more devastating.

or simply increase the damage of demon fire orbs which are probably a decent way to get rid of vaults :rofl:

Busting the foundations under them, at this moment, only results in a floating vault. I’m sure that is not intended. Like I said, I’m not for any change to how hard it is to crack one, but I suspect them healing and decay timer changing is not an intended mechanic. We use a blend of, bombs, demonfire, and grease orbs, lots of each.

I destroyed 7 vaults one day. 15 vaults were remaining at their “base”. Next day I counted 25…

same here, neighbor has it’s garden full of vaults on an official server …
if someone wants to play some luck games he can try to crack em. you just need over 9000 jars

vaults should not float, they just attach at a point of the size like 1 mm to every stuff underneath.
I did some tests in creative and it was horrible where you would be able to place vaults or similar stuff just attached on a minimal point.

Bombing empty vaults is as boring as hitting world bosses.

And as soon as you destroyed 1 vault, 2 new ones appeared.

I know this game is lacking end game content, but bombing vaults is not the solution…

I want to destroy bases. Raiding is an art, because every base is different and you don’t know what to expect. But if your enemy only spams vaults. Pfff, I’d rather quit.

PVP SERVER ASIA 1344. Everything done by ONE SINGLE CLAN

clearly not enough vaults, isn’t it?

just need a littlbe bit more…

There is no problem with Vaults bois, Why complain?

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Disgusting. That the reason why they need nerf that Vault !. This so stupid on PVP servers.

Thank you for posting these images!
The ones here that are against a vault change/nerf, are probably the people that do spam vaults actively…