New Update. Class rebalance?

I might have one where we had Sarhal with his ranger, but those were pretty crappy ones. I can try to find.
Yea, I have not been that active in last two years. Maybe see u one day and u surprise me with all that love :heart_eyes:

Technically there’s a feat to make repulse an instacast :slight_smile:

There was

Maybe if people learned to shut down poms you wouldn’t have such issues. Shutting down a pom is not hard to do. Looking at your screenshots it’s easy to see who the pom killed and who the other team focused while the pom sat back and nuked. LOL

Because shutting down a class with high armor / prot, bubbles, shields , heals is as easy as you make it seem to be.

Conq is also easy to shut down, just focus him when bubble is down :joy:

Conq and sin pushing for pom and harassing other team pom gets to nuke. Coupled with the fact people dont like to cc you get minis that look like that.

what states that there is a conq or sin in a mini, also pom has decent surviving against sin, also because DP won’t work against holy. Not to mention pom probably has a team too, someone that 2 shots the sin

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