I’m extremely new to Linux as a whole and I’m running a dedicated home server using Wine and a few other things to allow compatibility. However, ever since the latest update the server no longer shows up as a valid option. I’ve tried using steamcmd to update it as well as the two mods that I have (Pickup+ and Nilfheimr Minimap). They show fully updated and validated, so I must be doing something wrong.
Any advice from any knowledgeable folks would be greatly appreciated!
I don’t know about getting the server updated, but there is a bug with Pickup+ right now where you can’t use any of the new thrall commands while the mod is active.
Just curious… Have you attempt to direct connect to the server using the IP address and port? Also ensure that you have the tick mark on the server select screen in the top right that says show modded servers… You’ve probably tried that but just taking a stab in the dark here.
I got it figured out. I had to basically delete all the files and reinstall it. I backed up the Saved folder and everything is working wonderfully. That was a step I was hoping not to take, but once I did, it was smooth sailing.
If anyone else has this issue, try backing up your saved folder using FTP or another method, delete the install files, and redownload the full game onto your server. Once it’s finished, move your saved files back over, redownload any mods you have and remember to recreate your modlist.txt file if it was deleted as well.
Your config and engine settings are all in the Saved folder as well, so as long as you moved it back you shouldn’t lose any progress or configuration options.