No player on same server in same house?

Hey everyone, we have tried playing two different xboxs on the same server in the same house and its not working… we did the single player offline mode, we jumped on two separate servers just fine, but we get the server is down message and report the server when we try to log on same server. Is this intended? Can we fix it? Any help would be appreciated.

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I have no direct answers but my wife and I and alot of other people play from the same home on Ps4 with out a problem

Do you both have Xbox versions of psnplus? I am sure someone can help. Good luck

thanks… yeah I’m xbox with live, but it won’t let us play together

Back when the game first came out people were on ps4 had a similar problems had similar problems I think it had something to do with the router. I don’t know any one on forum who are Xbox players. We have some really smart PC people however. @Hugo any suggestions. Thanks in advance

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Each Player must have a separate XBOX LIVE in the login Tag.

First Open ports on your router:
XBOX88 - 88-88 - UDP
XBOX30746 - 3074-3076 - Both
XBOX53 - 53-53 - Both
XBOX80 - 80-80 - TCP
XBOX500 - 500-500 - UDP
XBOX3544 - 3544-3544 - UDP
XBOX4500 - 4500-4500 - UDP

Second enter offline mode make a Twine, then enter first as
test on server XBOX: 2996, create the character, walk on the map wait 2 minimum minutes, then call the second player to log in and do the same procedure.


En mi caso me funcionan siendo que cada play tenga como principal la otra

ummm that’s great but I mean why cant I log onto official servers? I go on 2511 son goes on 2511 and it won’t let him on. Not saying private game. Ports ill open but I don’t understand how all the games work fine and now this one wants me to open ports

especially considering we can log onto different official servers at the same time, just not the same one.

we both have xbox live and separate accounts

Do everything I went through in the previous post and note this:

  • XBOX30746 - 3074-3076 - Both

awesome! will try it thanks for help and let you know…

ok opened all those ports… Im not sure what you mean by make a string? I started offline mode and had the other xbox connect to it np, but still cant connect to same official server

String = Twine.


And without being the officer? do a test on 2996.

2996 is a private server correct?

When the second account tries to log onto the server says connection to the host was lost :frowning: during the loading

Unfortunately what I had to tell you was this, try to create a ticket for Funcom.

oh thanks for your help though

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