Not allowing me to put things on bench and then kicking me


Sep 2022
Bug Reporting Template
We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

Basic Info
Please fill out the following:

Select your platform

Xbox Series S
Select issue type

Select game mode

Online Private
Select server type

Select map

Exiled Lands
Enter server number or name

Bug Description:
Describe the issue. Please be thorough.

The game ill work fine and then all of a sudden it won’t allow me to place things into work benches or move things in my hot wheel and then kicks me, say that it is an Internet issue. But all my other Internet devices continue to work just fine. I have done everything thing my side and made sure the Internet is not a fault yet the problem continue to happen. I deleted and reinstalled the game, but this too did not help.
Bug Reproduction:
Please describe the steps you took to cause this bug to happen.

Nothing that I know of
Finishing your report!
The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!

Create New Report
Basic Info:
Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Vital

Bug Description:
The game ill work fine and then all of a sudden it won’t allow me to place things into work benches or move things in my hot wheel and then kicks me, say that it is an Internet issue. But all my other Internet devices continue to work just fine. I have done everything thing my side and made sure the Internet is not a fault yet the problem continue to happen. I deleted and reinstalled the game, but this too did not help.

Bug Reproduction:
Nothing that I know of

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I am on Playstation Occasionally getting kicked from my private sever mentions internet malf malfunction when I know it is not the case. @Brett101 @Community can you help our fellow Exile?..Welcome to the Forum you can learn alot here.

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Greetings Brett101!
Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to our forums!

In order for our team to properly assess your issue, please send us a screenshot of the message that appears in your screen after your game abruptly closes.

Additionally, how long into the game does this start happening to you? Does it happen all the time after a certain amount of time has passed, or rarely?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

It allows me to play for a few minutes before kicking me, thereafter it continues to kick me quicker and quicker. Trying to gather resources or Trying to put things in a bench seem to speed the process up.

It wont allow me to put a picture of the message i get up, due to been a new member for some reason.

I will copy the message word for word and post below.

This is what i get once i get kicked

Internet connection lost. You must be connected to Xbox Live in order to play online. Please ensure you have an active Xbox Live connection

allows me to play for a few minutes before kicking me, thereafter it continues to kick me quicker and quicker. Trying to gather resources or Trying to put things in a bench seem to speed the process up.

It wont allow me to put a picture of the message i get up, due to been a new member for some reason.

I will copy the message word for word and post below.

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This is what i get once i get kicked

Internet connection lost. You must be connected to Xbox Live in order to play online. Please ensure you have an active Xbox Live connection

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Thank you for yoru rply Brett101 and our apologies for the late reply!

Is this issue still occurring in your game? If so, could you tell us if it also happens when you play in SinglePlayer or in any of our Official Servers please?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!