Not interested in buying isle of siptah so?

at the time people bought the game before you and before sitpah was ever mentioned the game was a lot different . would you have liked the game to never evolved from it’s Early acess release ? take a look at the game you would have .

The thing about having bought a live game , it’s that it evolves , sometimes for better sometimes for worse , and you said you didn’t pay for this content … we now , for many years now Funcom has added to the exiles land a bunch of free content , such as the wine cellar dungeon , the warmaker dungeon , the underwater dungeon … they have revamped cities added a bunch of QoL features and all of this for free … ( of course there was always some OPTIONAL DLC along side major content update )

now you assume the economy update and the “mess” it provides is related to sitpah … But I think you are wrong for the simple reason that even before sitpah was teased, or “leaked” in the financial report , the dev have already spoke about wanting to revamp the economy of the game in a livestream around the riders of hyboria ( mount ) update and follower II updates , that has brought for free (and for better or worse ) mounts and the ability to delete a thrall ( before you had to go to lava or use a yog pit or fences ) to command a thrall , and thrall behaviours . alongside the ability for thralls to level up ( before that it would show lvl 0 , and they had static attributes ( so no negative perk , but also no good ones , and armors didn’t give them any bonus to stats just the armor value ) … so again some good and some bad depending on how you feel about all those free updates we keep receiving …

anyway the economy update was 60gb because a lot of old files had to be changed , you basicaly redowloaded the game again …

I love when people bring up legal matters, but don’t have the stones nor gall to actually contact a lawyer. Not hire one, oh no, they’ll never ever go that far. I’m simply challenging the step before the act of hiring one.

If you think you’re right, and you have a case. By all means prove you’re right and get your refund. Don’t be afraid, take the step. Contact and talk to one.

I am really interested in what they have to say.


Wow :)) This Fritz is better than will1! Criminal, I would say :))
How dare he mention Law, while it’s obvious he hasn’t read the T&C’s?

I think what a lot of people tend to forget (and I believe Funcom made a mistake in doing this, btw) is that the Siptah dlc was/is Early Access. When I purchased it, I bought in knowing all too well what I was probably getting myself into. I can understand why people complain about the download if they didn’t purchase it, not everyone has the patience and/or net speeds to make such a thing worth waiting for. When it comes to Siptah, mostly I just wish it wasn’t so damned geared towards PvP, which admittedly I couldn’t care less about.

In my overall experience with the game, however, I have found more often than not that the vast majority of glaring bugs/issues are mod related. I have a vast modlist, and as such, need to be just as patient with the modders as I would be with Conan devs. FWIW, I am one of the few who actually enjoys it when a rhino is sent flying into the atmosphere with that satisfyingly pathetic groan, so, take my words as you will.

I love Conan Exiles, but, I would be lying if I didn’t say that I got frustrated with things on more than one occasion. It’s nice to get DLC, but, I just wish I understood a bit more prior to purchasing it that it would be so PvP intensive.

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