Official PVP 1590

I’m greeted with the new character at login, did you guys wipe the entire server!

I sure hope so

It seems Funcom did a rollback of several days to undo what some hackers did.

When did you create your character?

Lol over a year ago

It was a full wipe. Same happened to 1588

Well that (a year) would seem excessive for a rollback, yes… :scream:

Sounds like a great Server to start over then :slight_smile:

They certainly did

Hello @Movah, welcome to the forums!

There were some rollbacks issued on the servers that were hit by the hacker, which is something we would only ever consider for the most extreme cases.

The few servers that seem to have gotten wiped had issues with their rollback and were set to a default state, however, this is not intended and we’re working together with G-Portal to restore these.

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